Assignment Paper

The proposal: Write approximately one page outlining your topic. As you decide on a topic for your final paper, try to identify and examine critical studies related to it. Although this is not technically a “research paper,” it still requires some outside investigation. These critical studies can be related generally or more specifically to your topic. They can be in the form of monographs, chapters of books, and articles in journals (you should select at least four items). Your final paper proposal is like a progress report on your paper topic. You may consider the following questions: What do you plan to examine and analyze in your paper? Which film or film director’s works will you focus on? What is the theme or thesis? What can you draw from previous studies? How will you go about demonstrating the thesis of your paper? You can explore the same topic as your presentation or one of your short papers. However, you should go into more detail with the topic and produce a solid piece of formal writing based on your own argument.


China: Mainland: Chen, Kaige 陳凱歌. Farewell my concubine 霸王別姬, 1993. (MRT 1st floor FC GE 1993 B393) Zhang Yimo 張藝謀. To live 活著, 1994 (MRT 1st floor FC GE 1994 H869) Jia, Zhangke 賈樟柯. A Touch of Sin 天注定, 2013. (MRT 1st floor FC GE 2013 T536) Hong Kong: Wong Kar-wai 王家衛. Ashes of Time 東邪西毒, 1994. Hu, Jinquan 胡⾦銓. A Touch of Zen 俠⼥, 1971. (MRT 1st floor FC GE 1971 X536) Japan 

Hou Hsiao-hsien 侯孝賢, A City of Sadness 悲情城市, 1989. Lee Ang 李安. The Wedding Banquet 喜福會, 1993. (MRT 1st floor FC GE 1993 X593) Lee Ang 李安. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 卧虎藏龙, 2000. (MRT 1st floor FC GE 2000 W648) Kurosawa Akira 黒澤明. Rashomon , 1950. (MRT Reserve) Kurosawa Akira 黒 澤明. Yojimbo ⽤⼼棒, 1961. Miyazaki Hayao 宮崎駿. Spirited Away 千と千尋の神隠し, 2001. Miyazaki Hayao 宮崎駿 The Wind Rises ⾵⽴ちぬ, 2013. Ozu Yasujiro ⼩津 安⼆郎. Tokyo Story 東京物語, 1953. Ozu Yasujiro ⼩津 安⼆郎. An Autumn Afternoon 秋⼑⿂の味, 1962. Ōtomo Katsuhiro ⼤友克洋. Akira, 1988. 羅⽣⾨ Resnais, Alain. Hiroshima Mon Amour, 1959. Marshall, Rob. Memoirs of a Geisha, 2005.