Assignment Paper

· you will locate two relevant news articles from reliable sources that discuss current information about refugees in the United States or the countries from which they are coming, and submit a summary of the articles, along with bibliographic information, on Moodle by March 13.


· “News” means the article is no more than one year old. It should NOT be from a research journal. Also, the articles should not be from the “Opinion” section of a newspaper.


· The sources may be print or online newspapers (New York Times, Washington Post, etc.), or professional news organizations (AP, Agence France, Reuters, etc.). Something like Bob’s blog is not a reputable source.



· Sources should be cited parenthetically in the body of the essay, whether or not direct quotations are included. There also should be a References section, using this format.


Format for References (excerpted from the journal Feminist Economics):

Manuscripts must conform to the author-date system of citing references, as described in The Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed., University of Chicago Press, 2003). This system uses the name of the author and the date of publication as a key to the full bibliographic details, which are set out in a reference list at the end of the article, e.g., “As Janet Seiz (1993: 190) argues…Several authors have noted this trend (Martha Roldán 1982; Cornelia Flora and Blas Santos 1985).”

The reference list should include every work cited in the text. First and last names must be given; initials alone are not sufficient. Please ensure that dates, spelling, and titles used in the text are consistent with those in the reference list.

Article in Newspaper Format for References List

Bennett, Amanda. 1994. “Young Women May Trade Jobs for Marriage.” Wall Street Journal, June 29.