Assignment Paper

Choose a philosopher or philosophical school of thought that you wish to examine for your Final Critical Task Paper. Bear in mind that the central question of this paper is how this philosopher or school of thought has contributed to our understanding of wisdom (= how to live the good life).

To find a topic for your paper, go through your text for ideas. Or, you can come talk to me about possible paper topics. I will help you identify a philosopher or philosophical school that will tap into your personal interests.

The written part of this assignment should include these elements:


The philosopher is Plato


· First, explain why you have chosen this philosopher or philosophical school. What interests you about him/her or it?



· Second, present a list of at least four sources for your research in the form of an Annotated Bibliography. You can use your textbook as one source. You are not limited to these sources for your paper, but they will be a good start. Don’t know how to do an annotated bibliography? Check out this website for guidance and examples: