Management 120A: Winter 2018 – Optional Memo – Brunswick (BC) If you are reasonably unsatisfied with your grade on Memo Assignment # 1 (i.e. below 135), you may complete the following Optional Memo on Brunswick. It must be submitted in paper at the start of your section on Thursday 3/15. Late submissions and those by email will be disregarded. For Optional Memo on Brunswick, you are limited to a single side of a one 8.5” x 11” page, including calculations. It will be scored out of 50 points and these points will be added to the combined score of your other memo assignments. The maximum score for the three memo assignments is 350 points. If you scored more than 120 on your first memo and feel confident about your second memo, I recommend spending the time studying for the final exam. In the 2017 10-K for Brunswick Corporation (BC), please review the financial statements and read Item 7 (page 23 – 40) and Disclosure Notes 1 – 4 (page 55 – 64). You’ll also need to review recent investor presentations and earnings releases. Then, consider the following… Brunswick has a history of buying and selling brands in both its fitness and boating businesses. It also has a history of taking restructuring, exit, and impairment charges. Most recently, Brunswick announces plans to divest its Searay boat business. It is also taking an impairment charge on Cybex, which is a brand of cardio machines. Cybex was a publicly traded company until late 2012 / early 2013 when it was acquired for roughly $22MM. For more information, research the company’s history and/or read this article: Brunswick has owned SeaRay for longer. For the full history on Sea Ray, read this article: What price does Brunswick need to receive for Sea Ray in order to avoid a loss on sale? Look at the cash flow statement for Brunswick. Should they continue to make acquisitions? What questions would you ask the executive team at BC? What does management want you to believe are BC’s normalized earnings? Rules: You must complete this memo on your own. I am a resource to help you learn through this process, but do NOT consult any person besides me. Use secondary sources, but cite them. Your memo should be typed. Do not use a font smaller than 12 points. Margins should be standard. It’s not an exercise in formatting to maximize your word count. Presentation matters. Be concise and clear. Use bullets whenever possible. Proper grammar matters. Show calculations.