Short Answer Section –
Answer Three (3) of the Following Questions
• The Marketing Mix
Describe the Marketing Mix (the four P’s of Marketing) in detail
• The Stock Market
Define and explain each of the terms below and explain in a brief essay how you would use this and other information to make decisions for retirement purposes
Share Price, EPS, Asset Allocation, Stock Market Index
• The Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy
List the three tools that the Fed uses to control the money supply and how each tool works to either increase or decrease the money supply and the overall effect of each on the economy.
• Supply and Demand
Draw and label the curves that represent the relationship between economic supply and demand. Describe how this model and other forces interact to determine market prices
• Organization
Discuss the managerial function of Organizing. In your discussion, be sure to explain the considerations a manager must take into account when performing this essential management function. Be sure to list and describe the different methods of Departmentalization when organizing a company.