Assignment Paper


Martínez-Córcoles, M., Gracia, F. J., Tomás, I., Peiró, J. M., & Schöbel, M. (2013). Empowering team leadership and safety performance in nuclear power plants: A multilevel approach. Safety science, 51(1), 293-301.


1: Discuss the motivation of the paper, problem statement, and research questions.

2: Discuss the theoretical background; model and hypotheses

3. Discuss the methodology: Procedures for data collection, instruments used for data collection and analysis.

4. Discuss the findings: model and significant findings.


1. Why did you choose this article and how it is related to your area of research interest? 2. What are the dependent/independent/mediating/moderating variables in the study? Please explain. 3. What is a unit of analysis? 4. Does the theory presented in the article support the hypotheses? Answer this question for each hypothesis. 5. What are the researchers trying to do with the theory that underlies their research – to find support for that theory? To show how the theory can be proven wrong? To compare between two competing theories? To come up with their own theory? Or maybe something else? 6. Do the authors provide strong rationale for their hypotheses? (Make sure you examine that for each hypothesis). 7. Discuss relevancy. Why is this study important and for whom? 8. How were the variables measured? Discuss data collection instruments. 9. Are the measures that were used in the study valid and reliable? Where is the proof for that in the article? Explain measurement model, Factor Loadings, Cronbach’s Alpha, Composite Reliability. What is the difference between validity and reliability of measures? Explain and provide examples from the article. 10. Is it a cross-sectional or a longitudinal study? What is the difference between the two? 11. How were the hypotheses tested? Was the method appropriate? 12. Were all the hypotheses supported in the study? Where is the proof for that? If not supported, why?. 13. For the supported hypotheses, how statistically significant are the results? (Explain statistical values such as p value or R square and their meaning). 14. What are the main findings of the study? 15. What are the study’s implications to business? 16. What are the study limitations? Why are these considered limitations? 17. What are the study’s theoretical, practical and methodological implications? 18. In retrospective – How could the study be improved? What would you have done differently? 19. Does the study contribute anything to our knowledge? How? 20. Please explain the interpretation of study’s tables, figures and numbers shown. Ex. What is correlation? 21. How would you suggest to expand this research study?