Assignment Paper

Important Note: Grading of GBA Submissions

Marks awarded to your assignment are based on the following guidelines:


1. 80% of the marks are allocated to the content of your answers:


 The marks awarded to what your answers cover depend on the extent to which they cover the key points that correctly and comprehensively address each question.


 The key points should be supported by evidence drawn from course materials and, wherever relevant, from other credible sources.


2. 20% of the marks are allocated to the presentation of your answers:


Wherever applicable, the marks awarded to how your answers are presented depend on the extent to which your answers:


 form a sound reasoning by developing those key points in a clear, logical and succinct manner;


 provide proper and adequate in-text citations and referencing to content drawn from course materials and other credible sources;


 strictly follow APA formatting and style guidelines1, in particular for:

• in-text citations and end-of-report references;

• the identification of figures and tables;


 use, wherever relevant, the specialised vocabulary and terminology commonly used in discussions about the topic(s) covered by each question;


 provide a reference or bibliography at the end of the main report;


 include the less relevant details in an Appendix;


 use sentence constructions that are grammatically and syntactically correct;


 are free from spelling mistakes; present the workings, numerical formulations and results in a logical manner that follows the APA formatting and style guidelines;


 design and present graphs, diagrams and plots that follow the APA formatting and style guidelines;


 are highly original;


 have proper formatting, which may:

• include a properly formatted cover page;

• respect the answer length/word count set out in the assignment guidelines, if any is prescribed;

• present answers in paragraphs with proper spacing and page margins;

• include page numbers and appendices, if necessary.







1 You can find a short tutorial on the APA formatting and style guidelines here: . Additional details (pertaining to tables and figures) can be found here: .




GBA Research

In conducting your analysis, you are encouraged to carry out your research using the following online databases

• ABI-Inform Complete,

• Business Source Complete,

• Factiva,


• Newslink.


In addition, your team may research the Internet, conduct field studies, and access other public domain resources (e.g. Company Annual Report). You are required to cite all your sources of reference with appropriate citation methods recommended by SUSS. All URLs should be complete such that the referenced materials can be accessed directly to show referenced information. .


Guidelines on GBA Report Writing

You are reminded that the University takes a very serious view on plagiarism. You are to submit your assignment through the Turnitin software. All high similarity index flagged by Turnitin will be investigated. Hence, it is advisable that you allocate some time in your submission process to address any plagiarism issue flagged out by Turnitin, if any.


The report should be written in a Microsoft Word document format with single spacing and Times New Roman font of 12-point font size. Word count limits are provided in each sub question. These are not to be exceeded. A maximum of FIVE (5) pages of annexure can be added for secondary data. However, key illustration/ diagrams should be included in the main report and you should provide explanation for these key illustration/ diagrams.


we believe that the ability to provide parsimonious answers is an essential skill that all business students should acquire. You are, therefore, reminded to adhere to the specified word count limits. As part of this requirement, you are to specify the word count of your answer for each question. Marks will be deducted from any submission that exceeds the word count limits as specified within each sub-question according to the following rules:


1. Exceed up to 10% of specified word counts: -1 mark

2. Exceed by >10% and <= 20%: – 2 marks

3. Exceed by >20% and <=30%: – 4 marks

4. Exceed by >30%: – full marks of sub-question


To stay within the word count limits, you are advised not to re-produce concepts from textbook or other sources, but to focus on answering the GBA question with your own analysis and in your own style and words. Diagrams depicting concepts (such as those that are already in the textbook) should not be re-produced in your GBA as they do not add value to your answers. Only diagrams (such as charts), or tables which are produced by you as part of your analysis and answer can be included as part of your answer.



GBA Case


Read case 1-2 on Google Inc in pages 31to 32 of the BUS362e textbook (Pearlson K. E. et al

2016). Answer the case questions as follows.


Question 1


(a) Analyse the application of business strategies by:


(i) Determining which of the three primary business strategies in Porter’s Generic

Strategies framework that you think Google has adopted?

(Word Limit: Maximum 200 words) (4 marks)


(ii) Analyzing Google’s business strategy from a dynamic environment strategy (hyper competition) perspective in order to determine two types of market disruption it has created using dynamic environment perspective. (Word Limit: Maximum 200 words)

(4 marks)


(b) Analyse the application of organisational strategy and demonstrate how IS can be used to support the various organisation designs by explaining the organisational strategy as a managerial levers framework in terms of the three categories of organisational design variables, i.e. Organisational variables, Control variables and Cultural variables. To do this answer each of the three sub-questions below (providing case facts to back up your answer), which represents each of the three organisational design variables.


(i) Organisational Variables – Formal Reporting Relationship


Identify the type of formal reporting structure that best suits Google and describe the type of IS that is required to support this type of formal reporting structure.

(Word Limit: Maximum 250 words) (5 marks)


(ii) Control Variables – Data


Describe the facts (data) collected, stored, and used by Google.

(Word Limit: Maximum 100 words) (2 marks)


(iii) Cultural Variables


Describe how the type of organizational culture that Google is trying to inculcate based on case facts.

(Word Limit: Maximum 150 words) (3 marks)





Based on the IS Strategy Matrix, analyse the application of IS strategy by describing an example each of the 4 components in the IS strategy matrix for Google along the lines of what, who and where.

(Word Limit: Maximum 200 words) (4 marks)





Apply the IS Triangle as a framework to link the business strategy and organisational strategy to the IS strategy by describing how the IS strategy and organisational strategy supports the business strategy in the context of Google. (Word Limit: Maximum 150 words)

(3 marks)






Question 2


(a) Discuss information resources that Google could leverage on to enable alignment of its business, IS and organizational strategies – categorised by IT assets and IT capabilities. To do this, discuss the following type of information resource that is relevant to Google’s business:



• IT assets: Provide one example of IS infrastructure and one example of information repository

• IT capabilities: Provide one example of technical skills and one example of IT

management skills.

(Word Limit: Maximum 400 words) (8 marks)


(b) Analyse the strategic use of information resources by explaining two risks that are applicable to Google when these information resources are used to attain strategic advantage. Use case facts and provide your justification on why you think these risks are applicable to Google.

(Word Limit: Maximum 350 words) (7 marks)


(c) In maintaining an international presence Google’s management is aware that geographical distance and time difference could lead to team issues due to cultural barriers and work hour differences.


(i) The company’s management rely on remote workers to form virtual teams in order to overcome geographical barriers. In order to discuss how IT changes the nature of work by allowing workers to work anywhere describe one challenge facing virtual teams and one facing traditional teams.

(Word Limit: Maximum 250 words) (5 marks)


(ii) There is a concern on the acceptance of new technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) that Google intends to implement. Propose a strategy to gain acceptance for IT induced changes based on two of the four determinants the



Technology Acceptance Model (TAM3) that would help Google’s staff accept such new AI based technologies.

(Word Limit: Maximum 250 words) (5 marks)





Question 3




Explain the business process perspective by explaining the following terms with respect to business processes:



(1) Silo perspective

(2) Business process perspective

(3) Agile business process

(4) Dynamic business process.

(Word Limit: Maximum 200 words) (4 marks)





Using the case facts, explain why Google does not adopt a silo perspective. Explain also how Google’s business process can be said to be either agile or dynamic in terms of its use of IS.


(Word Limit: Maximum 300 words)

(6 marks)


(b) In order to learn the relationships between strategy, architecture, and infrastructure, identify Google’s key strategic goal (based on its mission statement) and business requirement (via its business strategy) using case facts. With these, specify the architectural requirements in terms of the most suitable IT architecture configuration (i.e. centralized, de-centralized, SOA or cloud). Explain your answer.

(Word Limit: Maximum 400 words

(8 marks)


(c) Appraise key architectural principles and managerial considerations by determining which two architectural principles are most critical to Google Justify your answer.

(Word Limit: Maximum 350 words) (7 marks)





Question 4


(a) Illustrate the key activities of the IT organisation by:


(i) Identifying (with explanation) the maturity level of the IT organisation at Google. Given that Google is a technology company that leads in adoption of IT, assume that it’s IT managers are seen as a business partner.

(Word Limit: Maximum 150 words) (3 marks)






(ii) Determining which 3 IT organisation activities, based on the 14 IT organisation activities, is most important to the Google. Take into consideration the maturity level of the IT organisation. Justify your answers.

(Word Limit: Maximum 150 words) (3 marks)


(b) Evaluate the business case, portfolio management, and IT investment of Google by answering the following questions:


(i) Google’s financiers (e.g. banks, major shareholders) need to assess the benefits and business impacts of it major, and sometimes risky, investments. List down the components for a business case and explain the component most relevant to risk in the context of Google.

(Word Limit: Maximum 300 words) (6 marks)


(ii) Given Google’s level of innovativeness and risk taking, it can be said to be an agile organisation. Explain the four asset classes of IT investments and describe the likely relative percentage of Google’s IT portfolio for transactional and infrastructure systems based on this assumption.

(Word Limit: Maximum 200 words) (4 marks)


(iii) Like most other cloud based software as a service (SaaS) provider, Google’s SaaS (Google Enterprise) is charged on a per user basis, which is one of the three approaches to funding IT resources. Explain each of the three approaches to funding IT resources.

(Word Limit: Maximum 150 words) (3 marks)


(c) Assume a scenario whereby Google’s management requires a decision making framework on IT management that is both centralised and decentralised. Based on this assumption, identify the IT governance approach that is most suited for Google by answering the following questions:


(i) Explain the four perspectives to IT governance.

(Word Limit: Maximum 200 words) (4 marks)


(ii) Using the traditional perspective of IT governance to identify the IT governance approach that is most suited for Google. Justify your answer based on case facts.

(Word Limit: Maximum 100 words) (2 marks)