Assignment Paper

Research Experience #3


We all have challenges when preparing reference pages and citations in APA style. Of course, your textbooks and the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University/APA Formatting and Style Guide ( are your primary resources. However, there are other useful sites and programs.

  • What else do you use to help you or what do you think might be helpful? Why? 

There are also many online resources to help prepare APA style papers, some free, some to be paid for. Using Google, search for sites to help you in formatting and documenting a paper in APA style. Remember, you need to use 6th edition APA style and documentation. Do not list the OWL at Purdue University.

  • What have you found to help format your references in APA style? Give the site’s URL; describe it, and its ease of use. 
  • Demonstrate how the site works by selecting a journal article and a website from your annotated bibliography. 
    • Compose a citation and a reference page entry for each source using the site you found to help you. If it is a for-pay site, most reputable ones have a free trial. 
    • How do you know that the results you get from the site are correct?