Assignment Paper

Assessment Format: CW – Essay
Mode of Submission: Canvas: Assignment with Submission
Where your assessment requires you to submit work to Canvas or an External Tool, it is not recommended to submit via the Canvas App due to some limitations in the App functionality. We would suggest instead that submission is made on a browser from a computer or mobile device.
It is not recommended that you submit your assignment or take a quiz on a cellular or satellite connection. This is because loss of internet connection during assessment is most commonly associated with these services, although we understand that sometimes this is the only option. Wherever possible, we would recommend that assessments are submitted or undertaken on WiFi or hardwired (ethernet) connections.
Large files are best submitted on a hardwired internet connection (i.e., not WiFi).
Weighting: This assessment is worth 30% of the Module mark
Assessment Level: 7 Generic Assessment Criteria and Marking StandardsLinks to an external site.

Element Learning Outcomes: The element learning outcomes for this assessment are: 2,3
Marking Approach: Fine-graded
Feedback Release Date: 17/01/2023

Assessment Task Detail and Instructions:
This element of the summative assessment requires you to produce a 1000-word plan in anticipation of a teaching session you will be observed delivering. You are required to consider how the session will be structured and justify your choice for this in terms of meeting your students learning needs. You are expected to draw on some of the theories covered so far in this module to help you plan.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will provide evidence to help to meet the relevant UKPSF criteria for Descriptor 2 (FHEA). These are mapped against each learning outcome and will be explained when we discuss the assessment task during the workshop.
This assessment is fine-graded and comprises 30% of your final module mark.
Assessment information:
The assessment length should not exceed 1000 words (excluding titles, sub-titles and references). A template for the format of the assignment can be accessed here.
Your final plan should be submitted through Canvas with your student identification number (SID) as the title.
Suggested reading for the assessment activity is included within the workshop resources and a suggested reading list can be accessed through Readinglists@ARU. This is considered a starting point, however, and as the session is designed for your specific context, it is expected you will need to complete your own further reading in those areas most relevant to you.
Deadline: Your final template must be uploaded on canvas by 14:00 hrs on Friday 28th October 2022.
Rationale for assessment design:
This element has been specifically designed to help you demonstrate what you have learned about session design as a result of your early experiences on this module. It is closely aligned with element 011, the teaching observation of this session, and element 012, a critical reflection on this session, and you can use the feedback you receive on this element to inform your future submissions.
It is hoped the skills you develop in designing this session, and the feedback you receive, will be useful to you in your role as a practitioner in medical and healthcare education.
Guidance Resources:
Academic skills workshops run throughout teaching weeks that provide help with getting started with an assignment, finding information, referencing, planning and structure, critical writing, and developing an academic writing style. Please see the link below, as a number of workshops are available and delivered online via Microsoft Teams. Study Skills PlusLinks to an external site.
Workshops-Academic writing (Links to an external site.)
Academic writing – Quick Guides
Submitting your work in Canvas: guidelines and troubleshootingLinks to an external site.

Links to module learning outcomes and UKPSF Descriptors 2:
This assessment will allow you to demonstrate that you have met the following module learning outcomes:
LO2: Critically analyse the needs of learners (UKPSF Descriptor 2 A2,4; K1-3,5,6; V1-4)
LO3: Plan an effective learning session for students, informed and guided by critical engagement with relevant educational literature and knowledge of their context. (UKPSF Descriptor 2 A2,4,5; K3, V1,2,4)
Links to course learning outcomes:
This assessment will allow you to demonstrate that you have met the following course learning outcomes:
A01: Critically analyse educational literature.
A02: Critically evaluate theories of learning, teaching and assessment and how they relate to their professional practice.
A03: Critically analyse the needs of their learners.
A04. Plan, and reflect on, effective learning sessions for their students, informed and guided by critical engagement with relevant educational literature and knowledge of their context.
B01: Deliver effective learning sessions, informed and guided by critical engagement with educational literature, and responding to reflections on their educational context.

Re-Assessment Arrangements:
The information relating to the re-assessment will be published on the module canvas site with detailed instructions.