Assignment Paper

Project assessment
Unit code and name
CHCDIS005- Develop and provide person-centred service responses (1)
CHCDIS010- Provide person-centred services to people with disability with complex needs (1)
Qualification/Course code and name
Select your Qualification/Course code and name from the dropdown.
CHC43115 | Certificate IV in Disability (Release 2)
Student details
Student number

Student name

Assessment declaration
Note: If you are an online student, you will be required to complete this declaration on the TAFE NSW online learning platform when you upload your assessment.
This assessment is my original work and has not been:
• plagiarised or copied from any source without providing due acknowledgement.
• written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the Teacher/Assessor concerned.
Student signature and date

Version: 20220406
Date created: 06 April 2022
© 2022 TAFE NSW
RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank
The content in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2022 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at the time of printing: 1 November 2022. For current information please refer to our website or your Teacher/Assessor as appropriate.

Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions
Assessment overview The aim of this assessment is to assess your skills and knowledge to develop, implement and monitor person-centred service responses with a person with disability with complex needs.
Assessment event number 2 of 3
Instructions for this assessment This is a project-based assessment that assesses your knowledge and performance of the unit.
This assessment is in one part:
1. Report
And is supported by:
• Assessment feedback
• Supporting documents
Note: This assessment may contain links to external resources. If a link does not work, copy and paste the URL directly into your browser.
Submission instructions On completion of this assessment, you are required to submit it to your Teacher/Assessor for marking. Where possible, submission and upload of all required assessment files should be via the TAFE NSW online learning platform.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result? To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment you must answer all the questions correctly.
If a resit is required to achieve a satisfactory result it will be conducted at an agreed time after a suitable revision period.
What do I need to provide? • TAFE NSW student account username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact your campus or service centre on 131601.
• Computer or other device with word processing software and internet access.
• Writing materials, if required.
What the Teacher/Assessor will provide Access to this assessment and learning resources, including the student workbook and any supporting documents or links.

Due date
Time allowed
Delivery location Enter due date
6 hours (indicative only)
TAFE NSW campus/ TAFE Digital Campus/ TAFE NSW Moodle/ a location determined by your Teacher/Assessor
Assessment is to be completed out of class

Assessment feedback, review or appeals In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.
If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher/Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer.
Contact your Head Teacher/Assessor for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus.

Specific task instructions
The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities will be used by your Teacher/Assessor to determine if you have satisfactorily completed this assessment event. Use these instructions as a guide to ensure you demonstrate the required knowledge and skills.

Part 1: Report
To complete this part of the assessment, prepare a report on person-centred planning
Document your report using the template provided below.
Once completed, submit this assessment to your Teacher/Assessor for marking.
This report requires you to investigate how an agency works with clients and significant others to develop, implement, monitor and review person centred responses within a framework of quality service delivery. This is not an opportunity to assess whether you think the agency is doing a good job or not. You are looking for evidence and recording this evidence only. Where you don’t think you can find the evidence that addresses a heading, talk with your workplace supervisor and or workers for examples.
Service Delivery, Legal and Ethical Practice
Choose any 3 of the following practice principles and explain what is meant by each principle, in your own words.
Word bank – Principles
Human rights Dignity of risk Duty of care
Mandatory reporting Privacy confidentiality and disclosure Work health and safety
Empowerment Rights based approach Person centred practice
Strengths based approach Access and equity Discrimination

1. Explain what is meant by each of the 3 principles you have chosen.

2. Using examples from your chosen principles, discuss how this agency is adhering to each one.

4. Discuss the policies that are in place to ensure the principle is being met in relation to clients of the agency.

5. Reflecting on your 3 chosen principles, what changes can you suggest which might improve quality service delivery for your participant?
Policy and Legislation

6. Discuss one piece of legislation and how it relates to the agency’s policies and procedures for person centred planning. Illustrate your answer with at least one procedure that directly relates to the legislation.
Explain how this procedure directly relates to your client.

7. How does the organisation ensure that staff are appropriately skilled and qualified to provide support to participants?

Review of Person Centred Plans
8. Write a paragraph explaining the process the agency undertakes to review client’s plans. This may be written in policies, however talk with your workplace supervisor and other workers to get an idea of when and how plans are reviewed, and include real examples in your response- Using an example from your chosen case , explain how and why the plan has been updated and amended.

9. Select a participant that you have worked with and provide a brief outline of the including: age, disability, living arrangements, formal support requirements and informal supports.

10. What barriers might your client face in achieving his/her identified goals and what can you suggest to overcome these barriers.

11. Identify three questions you would ask the participant to determine if services are meeting a person’s needs and preferences?

12. Identify three questions you would ask the participants family or carers to determine if services are meeting a person’s needs and preferences?

13. Identify three types of assessment processes the organisation undertakes to determine a participants support requirements.

14. Discuss how the organisation reviews current participant plans to ensure needs are being met.

15. What timeframes would you include in a person centred plan to ensure review was occurring at regular intervals?

16. How does the organisation ensure that any changes to the plan are within the person’s plan budget?

17. How does the organisation identify if changes to a plan are within the policy framework, legislation and scope of the business?

18. What process does the organisation have to ensure that staff have the relevant skills and qualifications to meet the needs of participants?


19. Describe partner agencies and care providers discussed in the file you are reviewing.

20. Who are the stakeholders of this agency?

21. Does this agency attend an interagency, who attends and what is discussed?

Ask your workplace supervisor if you can go along to an interagency and if not organise an agency visit while on placement. Take note of what other agencies are doing in the area.

Assessment feedback
NOTE: This section must have the Teacher/Assessor and student signature to complete the feedback. If you are submitting through the TAFE NSW online learning platform, your Teacher/Assessor will give you feedback via the platform.
Assessment outcome
☐ Satisfactory
☐ Unsatisfactory
Assessor feedback
☐ Has the assessment declaration for this assessment event been signed and dated by the student?
☐ Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work?
☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.

Assessor name, signature and date

Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome
Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?

Student name, signature and date