Assignment Paper

Main Objective:
Write the Management Summary, Findings and Discussions, and Conclusion chapter of my My Master’s Thesis that aims to understand the Impact on International Competitiveness using Agile Stage-Gate Management in New Physical Product Development in Automation Industry.

1.) Management Summary (1 page)
Write the management summary chapter using the template document MT_template to be used.doc must include the following points:
• Purpose: what’s the purpose of the Master Thesis study
• Background: what’s the background for the study
• Method: what was the method used for the study
• Conclusion: what was the Conclusion
• Keywords: include keywords for the study

The document Example MgtSummary, Findings and Conclusion Chapter.pdf (page 1 of the pdf) shall be used as a role model.

2.) Findings and Discussions (28 pages)
Write the Findings and Discussion Chapter, including a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the findings collected over the interview based on the research questions defined and concise presentation of evidence.

Wherever necessary for the comprehensive analysis, an appendix can be added based on the support document mentioned below. It’s expected to use the quotes heavily from the Interview Guide and Full Transcript.doc, codified in the Full Code.xls and summarized in Summary Codes by Function.doc

The document Example MgtSummary, Findings and Conclusion Chapter.pdf (page 13-29 of the pdf) shall be used as a role model.

The findings and discussion shall address and include

• Specific cross‐cultural and international management concepts have been excellently identified.
• Very good arguments for all concepts have been included. The thesis demonstrates a very good understanding of the relationship between all concepts.
• The thesis demonstrates very good critical thinking and comprehension of all concepts/ framework.
• All arguments are supported by relevant academic sources and evidences.
• Very good consideration of inherent uncertainty.
• Highly rich and robust empirical findings.
• Fully systematic and substantiated evaluation of the findings.
• Fully clear and specific identification of limitations.

2.) Conclusion (8 pages)
Write the conclusion chapter using the template document MT_template to be used.doc. The conclusion chapter shall have the following sub-chapter

5.1 Answer to Research Questions

5.2 Implications for International Management

5.3 Research Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research

The document Example MgtSummary, Findings and Conclusion Chapter.pdf (page 29-32 of the pdf) shall be used as a role model.

The Conclusion shall address and include:

• Inclusion of broad implications for business and/or society.
• Meaningful contribution to theory and knowledge.
• Fully comprehensive and convincing explanation of implications.
• Fully substantiated suggestions for future research.
• Highly actionable evidence‐based recommendations for practice.
• Highly sophisticated internationally
• relevant contribution.
• Very good consideration of different national contexts.
• Produces excellent contribution that reflects a long‐term orientation

Additonally the folowing documents must be create/revised

1.) Status progress document including (1 ½ page by November 2nd 13:00hs CET):
– Management summary
– Key findings
– Highlevel of potential answer
– Next steps for the completion

2.) Write Code description/interpretation (including Literature review reference wherever possible) in the document Full Code.xls, in sheet Code Category collum C (1/2 page)


– Use APA Referencing Style;
– Findings and Discussion Chapter and conclusion chapter shall used the reference from the template document MT_template to be used.doc


1.) Instruction MgtSummary, Findings and Conclusion Chapter– detail instruction of the paper
2.) MT intro_literature review_methodology template – The document is the template the writer shall use.
3.) Example MgtSummary, Findings and conclusion Chapter.pdf– The document shall be used as a role model.
4.) Interview Guide and Full Transcript.doc – Full 16 interviews transcripts
5.) Full Code.xls – Full code of the interviews, including code categories
6.) Summary Codes by Function – summary of the Codes by Functions (Management, R&D and Marketing) to be used for the findings