Assignment Paper

Read the excerpt from It Takes a Village, and answer the questions below. 


Please number your answers, and write them in complete, grammatically correct sentences.  You may submit the answers by entering text into the window or by attaching a file. They will be graded,  looking at both the content and the grammar.




1) In paragraph 1, Hillary Clinton says, “Much of my family’s good fortune was beyond my parents’ direct control, but not beyond the control of other adults whose actions affected my life.” What does she mean by this sentence?


2) Explain in your own words the main idea of paragraph 2.


3) What is Clinton comparing in paragraphs 3, 4, and 5?


4) Describe Clinton’s ‘earlier’ village.


5) Describe Clinton’s ‘modern’ village.


6) In paragraph 6, Clinton says, “The village can no longer be identified as a place on a map or a list of people or organizations, but its essence remains the same. It is the network of values and relationships that support and affect our lives.” Paraphrase (explain) this sentence in your own words.


7) State in your own words the main idea of this excerpt from Clinton’s book.