The Romanist Theory suggests that some medieval towns were successors of settlements established during the Roman period. Select any European settlement built by the Romans. The paper should include a discussion of the city’s site, major features, and urban development during the Roman and Medieval periods. Be sure to include maps and diagrams of the city’s relative location and its internal layout (morphology) at different times. Include at least ten (10) bibliographic entries. Do not write about Pompeii and Herculaneum since they did not exist during the medieval era. Assignments should be typed, doublespaced, 710 pages in length, and written in formal academic style. They must include an assignment cover sheet (, a separate title page, appropriate headings, and a bibliography. Supporting materials can either be placed within the body of the assignment or as appendices. Use a proper and consistent format for citations (parenthetical references, footnotes, or endnotes) and bibliographic entries. Assignment writing tips are provided in Appendix A while assignment grading schemes (rubrics) and title page format are provided in Appendix B