Assignment 3 (Pоliсy Develоpment Plаn) Fridаy 3rd Nоvember 2017 Prepare 2,500word social policy development and evaluation plan, incorporating the principles and practices of coproduction (40%) Used below below References to assist: Wadsworth, Yoland (2010). Building in Research and Evaluation [electronic resource]: Human Inquiry for Living Systems. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. EBooks Wadsworth, Yoland (2011). Do it yourself social research, 3rd Edition. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin. Wadsworth, Yoland (2011). Everyday evaluation on the run, 3rd Edition. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. EBook: Mark guide criteria Social Policy Development and Evaluation Plan (2500 Words): The assignment will demonstrate: 1. Introduction – a clear statement of the issue / questions to be addressed, and the scope of the proposal (including any limitations). Is this a compelling proposal? 012345 2. Background to the policy area; any historical issues; what is the current situation; why is a new policy needed, or an existing policy requiring review. Make reference to and provide critique of related policies, legislation or research findings that effect the current situation. 0246810 3. What are the key processes proposed (and resources needed) for the development of the policy? Define the critical milestones for the policy development project, and provide a realistic indicative timeline. 0246810 4. How will the implementation of the policy, when developed, and its effectiveness be evaluated? 0246810 5. How will the extent to which the policy development process was inclusive of all relevant stakeholders be assessed; and how will the extent to which the principles and practices of codesign and coproduction were incorporated be evaluated? 0246810 6. Referencing – a consistent approach to referencing is adopted, with sufficient detail to allow for retrieval of the documents included in the report. Refer to the course handbook. 012345 COMMENTS: Assignment Mark: / 50