Choose one of the Artists listed at the bottom of the page. Choose one or two of their works in the Philadelphia Museums collection and discuss them in terms of their form and content. Use the Subject + Media + Form + Context = Meaning formula to interpret the work. Your essay should include a brief (2 – 3 paragraphs) biography. How does the form support the content? Include any movement or artist group with which they were affiliated and how the work fits into the tenets of that movement and/or period. Be aware of the piece’s objectness. You should spend a couple of hours in the museum, look at alot of things, don’t chose the work too quickly. Take a lot of notes in front of the work. Answer the questions about description, form / meaning we used in the assessments in Units 5 and 7, take a copy of those questions and answer them in front of the actual work. Your paper should be written in essay form, five (5) pages (does not include photos and bibliography), 1.5 spaced, in 12-point type. (IMPORTANT) Include a copy of the work/s (and any others you reference) with your paper. Your paper should be footnoted. You should use at least three references. At least two references should be books or magazines, and the textbook should not be used as anything more than background reference for this paper. Include your bibliography. Be sure to proof your paper (have some one else read/proof it, read it aloud) and run spell check. I also need proof that you actually visited the museum, a photo of you with the work in the background would be best, usually not a problem with the collection works. Remember NO FLASH in the galleries. In the alternative a photo or scan of your admission receipt. A Note about footnoted material. Footnoted material, that is quotes from sources should be used as evidence for “your” arguments and ideas. Too often I get papers which are nothing more than a string of quotes from other sources. The point of the paper is for you to synthesize what you have learned and demonstrate your ability to describe and analyze works of art. In general in a three page paper if you have more than the equivalent of a paragraph of footnoted material you have too much.