Artificial Intelligence Literature Review

The Title Page (5 Points)
1. The header: You must have a header and page number on each page of your paper. This
header will be identical on all pages (though the page number will increase)
a. If you do not know how to insert headers, ask your instructor or watch this very
helpful video!
b. The header goes at the top of the paper.
i. Use “Insert Headers” or click on the top of the page to open the header.
Alternatively, click anywhere at the top of the page and it should open the
ii. Your header title is simply a shortened version of your original paper title.
You can use a few words or a phrase from the title or create a new header
title altogether. Just make sure it is in ALL CAPS. This short header
should be no more than 50 characters including spaces and punctuation
1. Note: The phrase “Running head” is no longer used with the 7th
edition of the APA publication manual. Do not use it in the header
iii. Insert a page number as well. The header is flush left, but the page number
is flush right. The page number for the title page is … 1!
iv. This same header will appear on every page of your document, including
the title page.
c. Want an example header? Look at the title page of these instructions! You can use
any title you want depending on your own preferences (For example, imagine I
use the title, “Who are you going to believe: A student, a professor, or artificial
intelligence programs?” on my title page. I can use a short version of this for the
d. Your Title Page will be on page 1
2. The title: Your Title itself should be three or four lines below the margin at the top of the
page. Again, see my “Title” page on the first page of this current document as an example
of the placement. For your title, you must come up with a title that helps describe your
study one. Do NOT put “Paper One” or a variation of “Literature Review” for your title.
Rather, think about the titles you saw in PsycInfo. Titles need to let the reader know what
YOUR paper involves, so make your title descriptive.
a. Your title must also be in bold text. Make sure that every word with four or more
letters starts with a capital letter. You can use lower-case letters for words like
“and”, “with”, “the”, but in general start each title word with a capital letter.
3. Your personal information: Your name (First and Last) and the name of your institution
(FIU) are beneath the title. For this class, use your name (and ONLY your name).
a. You can also refer to the APA Format PowerPoint for formatting guidance, but I
suggest looking at the example papers, too. There some from prior students in this
course as well as one based on a document provided by the APA. Most have
comments and notes to direct you toward correct formatting.
b. Your name is placed two spaces below your title.
c. Double space everything! This includes all title page information
The Abstract?
You DO NOT need an abstract for Paper I. Because the abstract needs to summarize the study
results, you cannot write it until you run your studies. So, omit the abstract until Paper V.
The Literature Review (12 points)
1. The first page of the literature review (Page 2)
a. Make sure you have the same information in the header that you have on the title
page (short title and page number). Of course, page 2 should have the number “2”
in the header for the page number. (You are currently reading page six of these
instructions, so you can see the number 6 in the header, since it is the sixth page).
b. The original title of your paper from the title page is repeated on the first line of
page two, centered. It is IDENTICAL to the title on your title page, including the
bold font type. Just copy and paste it from your title page!
c. The beginning text for your paper follows on the very next line.
2. Citations for the literature review
a. Minimum citations: Your paper must cite a minimum of five (5) empirical
research articles that are based on studies conducted in psychology. That is, each
of the five citations must have a literature review, a methods section, a results
section, a conclusion or discussion section, and references.
i. For Paper I, you MUST use at least three of the articles provided in the
Canvas folder. You can use four if you like, but only three are required.
For your fifth article, you must find a new one on your own (using library
resources). There are some other requirements for this fifth article that you
must follow:
1. First—and to reiterate—remember that the fifth article cannot be
any of those found in the Canvas folder.
2. Second, for your fifth article, it can be based on a wide variety of
topics, including Source Credibility, Source Plausibility, Source
Type, Persuasion, Attitude Change, Thought Confidence, Chat
GTP, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
a. Trust me, there are TONS of topics can use in your paper.
Just make sure it is relevant to your study. It does not have
to be about SC. Use your best judgment. Get creative!
b. For a nice / simple SC overview (but not a peer-reviewed
source and thus not one you can use in your paper!), go to
3. Finally, you can have more than five references if you want, but
you must have a minimum of five references.
b. APA citation format and examples: Proper citations must be made in the paper –
give credit where credit is due, and do not make claims that cannot be validated.
For citations (in-text referrals to other study authors), make sure you:
i. avoid using author first names, initials, or the title of the article the
author(s) wrote
ii. include the last name of the author followed by the date of publication. If
there is one author, use that author’s name every time you cite. If there are
two authors, use both author names every time you cite. If there are three
or more authors, use the last name of the first author every time you cite
followed by the phrase et al. to replace other authors.
1. One author example:
a. “According to Piper (2020) …”
b. “The author found XYZ (Piper, 2020).”
2. Two authors example:
a. “According to Piper and Holmes (2020) …”
b. “The authors found XYZ (Piper & Holmes, 2020).”
3. Three + authors example:
a. “According to Piper et al. (2020) …”
b. “The authors found XYZ (Piper et al., 2020).”
iii. Consider an author that you did not personally read, but the article was
cited by an author that you did read (That is, imagine you read Evans, not
Piper, but you want to discuss what Piper found). Use the format below:
1. “Piper et al. (2020, as cited by Evans, 2021) found that …”
2. For easy reference, note that the date of the “as cited by” paper
should be after the publication of the paper they cited!
c. Direct quotes: If you use a direct quote, make sure to provide a page number for
where you found that quote when citing the article. For example, “… as Piper
found” (2020, p. 234). However, do not directly quote too often. In fact, you
cannot have more than two direct quotes for Paper I. If you do, you will lose
“writing quality” points. In fact, I prefer that you not quote at all.
i. I prefer paraphrasing, but still cite even when you paraphrase.
ii. If you need help with paraphrasing or writing, there are lots of resources
available to you at FIU, including the writing center and the center for
academic success. Visit their websites for more info:
1. Center for Academic Success:
2. Center for Writing:
3. The content of the literature review
a. Your study one literature review should use prior research as a starting point,
narrowing down the main theme of your specific project – think about the
hourglass example from the APA Formatting Lecture.
b. The last part of your literature review should narrow down even further to focus
on your own study, eventually ending with your study hypotheses. However, DO
NOT go into specific details about your methods. You will talk about your
specific study methods in Paper II in a few weeks.
i. Again, to be clear, at the end of your paper you MUST provide your
specific predictions/hypotheses (See the last page of these instructions).
c. The literature review must have a minimum of two (2) full pages of text NOT
INCLUDING THE HYPOTHESES (2.5 pages if you include the hypotheses, or
around 850 words). If your paper is only two pages, it better be really, really
good. I do not think I could do this paper topic justice in fewer than three pages,
so if your paper is not at least three pages, I doubt it will get a good grade. The
maximum for the literature review is five pages. Two to five pages gives you
flexibility. With the predictions, title page, and the reference page, I expect a
minimum of 4.5 pages to a maximum of 7.5 pages, but good papers will be
around 6 pages.
References (6 points)
1. APA reference page formatting:
a. The References section starts on its own page, with the word References
centered and in bold font. Use proper APA format here (or lose points!)
2. Number of required references: All five references that you cited in the literature review
must be in this section (if you cited more than five articles, then there should be more
than five references, which is fine in this paper).
a. Remember, at least three references must come from the Canvas article folder,
one can come from either Canvas or library resources (PsycInfo), while the last
one cannot come from Canvas. Only peer-reviewed articles are allowed for paper
one (no books, journals, websites, or other secondary resources).
3. APA formatting for references: For references, make sure you:
a. use alphabetical ordering (start with the last name of the first author)
b. use the authors’ last names but only the initials of their first/middle name
c. give the date in parentheses – e.g. (2020).
d. italicize the name of the journal article (Journal of Personality)
e. give the volume number, also in italics
f. give the page numbers (not italicized) for articles
g. provide the doi (digital object identifier) if present (not italicized)
Writing Quality (2 Points)
Writing quality includes proper grammar and spelling. This is a college level, scientific paper,
and we hold you to high standards. I recommend getting feedback on your paper from the
Pearson Writer program prior uploading it on Canvas or going to the Writing Center at FIU for
some proofreading help. Below are some hints to help you with writing quality:
1. Avoid using personal pronouns like “you”, “us”, “we”, “our”, and “I”. You can use those
when discussing your predictions for your own study, but avoid these pronouns when
discussing the work of other authors. Stick with terms like “people”, participants”,
“humans”, “users”, or similar
2. Avoid direct quotes. We prefer paraphrasing. But either way, make sure to cite the source
of the information you are quoting / paraphrasing