Article Summary

This assignment consists of two separate components: a formal business letter, and a summary or abstract of a professional technical article. Both components should be SUBMITTED AS A SINGLE DOCUMENT. You will choose a Request for Proposal from an outside source (many are available through the internet), and prepare a formal Proposal in response for your final assignment; this assignment is designed to help you begin preparing your Proposal, and should provide an excellent opportunity for you to discover the current state of events in your chosen professional field.

For your Proposal Letter, you must first locate a formal Request for Proposal and analyze it carefully. Searching the internet using simply “Request for Proposal” will return a number of results that instruct you how to write or prepare an RFP, which is NOT required for this assignment. The most effective search terms will incorporate “Request for Proposal” in addition to some other term, also in quotations, related to your major field of study.

Once you’ve identified an appropriate RFP, you should prepare your Proposal Letter following standard format for business correspondence, and address it to the contact person listed on the RFP you have chosen. Your Proposal Letter MUST include EACH of the following elements to receive full credit:
– the name of your company or organization
– a copy or working internet link for the outside Request for Proposal that
your formal Proposal will answer
– a list of essential elements and/or tasks required for you to
complete your Proposal (i.e., bids, document specifications,
member credentials, research regarding market costs)
– a proposed timeline for completion of your project –
NOT your Proposal for this class, but the project you’re offering
to complete in response to the RFP.

For your Article Summary, you must locate a SEPARATE technical article related to the preparation of your Proposal. SUBMISSIONS WHICH SUMMARIZE THE RFP CHOSEN FOR YOUR PROPOSAL LETTER WILL NOT BE GIVEN FULL CREDIT. Your Article Summary should be presented in MLA or APA format, and MUST include EACH of the following elements to receive full credit:
– heading in MLA or APA format
– proper citation for the source of your article, in MLA or APA format, as the TITLE of your summary
– a thorough summary or abstract of the article, consisting of at least three full paragraphs
– a copy or working internet link for the article you are summarizing.

In preparing this assignment, choose your Request for Proposal carefully; it should be related in some way to your major field of study or professional experience. The article you choose to summarize should be one of the sources you plan to use for your Proposal. The formal guidelines for your Proposal are set forth in detail in the Proposal Assignment.