Applying virtual ethics to the Mattel Case

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1.Choose three virtues (e.g., justice, fairness, integrity, courage, honor, truthfulness, etc.), and define each using a reputable online dictionary (e.g.,
2.Using a section heading for discussion of each of your chosen virtues, discuss how each virtue applies to some ethical issue raised by the Mattel case. For example, you might describe how the virtue you have selected might have been used to more appropriately guide the actions, behaviors, and/or policies of the company (e.g., you may choose to discuss the company’s working conditions, worker safety, company fairness, or Mattel’s attitudes towards the environment).
Using the following article as a basis for the paper:
Sethi, S., Veral, E., Shapiro, H., & Emelianova, O. (2011). Mattel, Inc.: Global manufacturing principles (GMP) – A life-cycle analysis of a company-based code of conduct in the toy industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(4), 483-517. Retrieved from ProQuest.

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