Analysis of the 2022-23 budget of the Town of Garner, NC

Final Capstone Paper (20% of total grade; total of 200 points): Each student will prepare a final paper of 2,000 or more words (10 pages to include title/reference page) that addresses major concepts from the text and discussed throughout the course. Your final paper will focus on analysis of the 2022-2023 budget of the town of Garner, North Carolina. This final paper will be a culmination of topics presented and discussed during the course.

Use this link below to also answer questions:

A copy of Garner’s 2022-2023 budget can be accessed at the following link:

Using the course textbook as a primary course, address the following issues in your final paper:
• • Describe the context of public finance administration, the budget cycle, and the role of budgeting in Garner, North Carolina.
• • How is the budget prepared and approved? What town leaders and elected officials are involved? Where might conflict exist in the process and how might if be resolved?
• • What is the role of various taxes, fees, and other revenue sources in Garner?
• • Can you determine if taxes are being leveraged for local economic development and/or political purposes?
• • What can you assess about the budget implementation process and how the town budget is managed?
• • Does the town appear to plan and budget for capital improvements?
• • Any additional issues that you think are significant in the overall administration of the Garner budget.

The final written paper must be submitted to the instructor no later than the last day of class for this course (November 6, 2023) – there will be no exceptions. Cite your work and all references from the textbook, town of Garner 2022-2023 budget, and any other sources that you choose to include. Criteria for grading will include targeted attention to the specified framework for the paper, evidence of connection to textbook concepts, and appropriate application of rules of grammar, spelling, style, and referencing. Use APA Format: 1” margins; double-spaced; 12 point Times Roman or Cambria.

Textbook used:
Budgeting for Local Governments and Communities (2015). Morgan, Robinson, Strachota, Hough. ISBN 9780765627803

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Here is a link to our textbook to help answer the questions above:[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dch4]!/4