Analysis of Powder Diffraction Patterns and Vegard’s Law

An XRD and GSAS-II expert needed. This a engineering lab report about Analysis of Powder Diffraction Patterns and Vegard’s Law. You must be familiar with GSAS-II and XRD. You shall not take this job unless you are expert on XRD and fully understand what is this lab going on. Also, you need to familiar with data base, such as ICSD(if you do not know what is ICSD, just do not take this order). You need to deal with many crystal structures and crystal structures data base, if you do not familiar with these, please stay away. If you write this report, please follow the instruction strictly. In the Instruction file, the ″Previous lab report″ is the lab was down before, an informal example attached in it. The template of this report are listed on the file “MSE405_572_Vegards_Law_Lab_6_2017_RPMedit” ,you need to use the template as the lab report structure and answer all the listed questions. “Tutorial of GSAS-II” can help you understand a little bit what I expect you do with GSAS-II, but, of course, there are more skill about GSAS-II you need to have. “lab report instruction and data” is the content of instruction about what you need to write in this order and the data for the report all included. Please read all the files carefully and do exactly what it required. If you have any question further, please contact me ASAP. If you provide a high quality report, I will contact you next time, there are more several reports to go.