You are required to write an essay on a technology (e.g. hand-held communicators, faster than light travel, time-travel, etc.) which was introduced as a concept in science fiction. This technology may or may not have already been developed. You must have the following sections in your report:
1. Title – Descriptive title of the topic.
2. Introduction and History – Describe the technology in terms of what it does and its potential benefits and/or problems. Include at least two references to the first (or early) appearance of the technology in science fiction literature/media, as well as at least two from recent literature/media.
3. Current Status/Recent Developments – If the technology has been developed then explain the following: when it was developed, by whom and its current status. If it has not yet been developed: outline theoretical and/or experimental work currently underway to make the technology a reality.
4. Technological Limitations and Future Potential – If already developed: what does the future of the technology hold? If not already developed: describe what technologies must be developed and/or scientific discoveries made in order to make the technology a reality. Include predictions on the likelihood of the technology coming to fruition and realistic potential timelines.
5. References – include a full reference list and consistently cited in-text. (2) Length Essays must be between 1000 to 1200 words in length NOT including references.