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Choose an Airline business model based in the GCC or otherwise: full service or low cost carrier (LCC) or a freighter airline. This is an airline of your choice, with airline name, branding, product, type of service, traffic, revenue, costing, operating hub, etc.
Conduct a full analysis to plan for the routes and fleet of your airline: e.g. long haul, ultra-long haul or short haul route types (or all combinations of routes)
- the type of aircrafts to be used, limited to a maximum 2 types. Specific aircraft types e.g. Narrow bodies for LCC or wide bodies for long haul operations (personal note: use B787-8,9,10 and b737-700,max,900 or Airbus 350/330 family and 320 family considering Duel rating between the wide body/narrow body aircrafts)
- aircraft characteristics both from a business (Revenue and Cost) and operations (Performance) perspective
- route characteristics e.g. Point 2 Point (P2P) traffic versus transfer traffic (6th freedom). Select a single hub or multi-hub operations
- high yield versus low yield passengers
- the cabin layout and interior design (for each type of chosen aircraft) – single class or 2 or 3 class configuration
- the frequency of flights to destinations. Types of destinations to be served and how many? (Personal note: use Muscat as a hub, connecting china and Indian sub continent to Africa, Europe, and America. Also regional gulf capitals, and major cities destination to Egypt, Amman, and Beirut. Frequencies as you see fit)
- the level of service (entertainment level and catering – number and type of meals/drinks). Minimum on board service versus full service
- discuss impact of various costs on route
- discussion of Ancillary Revenue
- discuss macro and micro factors in your business model to forecast future growth over the next 5 – 10 years
- current fleet size and growth over the next few years
- Account for the main competitors on the chosen routes. (Competing with Emirates, Etihad, Qatar airways, Oman Air and Saudi airlines. Making the airline a full service carrier rather then a low coast.)
- Aircraft(s) performance and characteristics should be accounted for.
- The branding of your chosen airline should be taken into account.
- The strategy of your chosen airline should affect your analysis.
- Your report should be between 3500 and 5000 words.
- Conduct an in-depth research of your airline, market segments, competition type of in-class features (seats, entertainment, catering etc.) to support your analysis.
- Use information from an airline that you are familiar with and that has a sizeable set of documents pertaining to it on the Internet.