Age of Authenticity

Being “authentic” is a common theme in modern Western culture that is a very complex term yet
used simplistically as common parlance. Discuss what it means to live in the “Age of
Authenticity”. How does this view hyper-emphasize the individual? What has happened to
spirituality as this Age has emerged? Consider the ways in which some of the aspects of modern
culture are a positive thing and can be used by Christian apologists in a productive manner.

Specific instruction items to include are outlined as follows:
 The assignment should be at least 8 sentences in length.
 Word count is not necessarily a factor, but the sentences need to be robust and not simple.
 Where applicable, the assignment should follow Turabian formatting
o Footnotes when citing a source
o 12 pt. font
o Times New Roman
o 1” margins
 No direct sources are needed but the reflection needs to demonstrate specific interaction,
analysis and application.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality.