Acting as a Supply Chain Manager for Tesla you have been instructed to produce a “academic” business report with structured framework, academic literatures, theories, statistics and data

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You are required to choose a company that operates a global supply chain, in this case the company is Tesla Inc. Acting as a Supply Chain Manager for this organisation you have been instructed to produce a business report that analyses current global supply chain practices, identifies key areas where sustainability issues exist, and then makes a series of recommendations. The report should specifically address the following areas: 1. Explain how the concepts and frameworks of Sustainable Supply Chain Management relate to the organisation’s current operational and supply chain practices 2. Discuss the relationship between SSCM and organisational decision making 3. Through quantitative and/or qualitative data collection techniques, look critically into the supply chain operations of the chosen organisation and identify where changes/improvements could be implemented based on environmental and social performance considerations. 4. Provide recommendations on how the organisation’s supply chain can be made sustainable and identify any key challenges that may exist.


• Cite references correctly within your text, using the Harvard system
• Include a complete reference list at the end of the report using the Harvard system for referencing
• Use Appendices as appropriate
• Use a sans serif font, such as Arial, minimum font size 12
• Insert page numbers
The report should specifically address the following areas:
1. Explain how the concepts and frameworks of SSCM relate to the organisation’s current operational and supply chain practices.
2. Discuss the relationship between SSCM and organisational decision making.
3. Through quantitative and/or qualitative data collection techniques, look critically into the supply chain operations of the chosen organisation and identify where changes/improvements could be implemented based on environmental and social performance considerations.
4. Provide recommendations on how the organisation’s supply chain can be made sustainable and identify any key challenges that may exist.
Marks will be awarded according to the following criteria:
• Overall presentation and coherence of submission.
Good title, clear structure (contents page); clarity and conciseness of the issues covered in the report.
• Understanding of concepts and content.
Literature review with good sources included and some assessment /summary of published work. An exposition of relevant literature related to knowledge management and decision making in your chosen organisation.
• Critical judgment in selecting and ordering content
Understanding of SSCM frameworks, good data collection, analysis and presentation using suitable diagrams, tables, graphs and knowledge base.
Joined up thinking: From title to argument to conclusion (Evaluation- Synthesis-Analysis).
• Structure of argument and conclusions which relate to the topic.
• Proactivity in extent and range of research as evidenced by content, Appendix, Data and bibliography.


1) You need to add page numbers to the document.
2) Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) on the other hand, can be defined as a set of managerial practices – Can you outline what these practices are (REFERENCE)
3) Tesla’s Supply Chain Practices Based on SSCM Framework – use one of the specific SSCM models from the module to add clarity to the discussion. Alternatively, summarise what the different SSCM frameworks/models include to provide more structure to your discussion. (REFERENCE)
4) State their mission, Aim, Objective (REFERENCE)
5) Analyze how Tesla designs its products, produces, sells and services them through the use of their personal sales and service networks. This move is to ensure that products are manufactured according to consumer demands and that they meet both economic and environmental and social requirements to ensure sustainability (PLEASE PROVIDE “DATA” AND REFERENCE)
7) present the supplier information and other key company facts in a table/visual to maximize word count. It also breaks up the report which is currently too ‘wordy’ (REFERENCE, AND “DATA”)
8) Explain how the use of different suppliers often results in high production costs as each supplier faces its unique challenges and costs ( BACK IT UP WITH REFERENCE “DATA”)
9) Make sure that you are discussing aspects of the business which are directly relevant to SSCM.
10) Discuss Tesla’s sustainability standards (REFERENCE, DATA REFERRING TO APPENDIX SECTION)
11) Insight explanation of how Tesla achieves sustainability (“real examples, real cases, data referred to appendix and references)
12) link how the company’s mission of reducing environmental pollution with specific and relevant example of their practice to the environmental concepts covered in the course.
13) The Relationship between SSCM and Tesla’s Decision Making – (Explain using academic reference and theories)
14) Critical Evaluation of Tesla’s Supply Chain and Areas for Improvement – (explain this process more clearly – what is content analysis and how was it conducted – REFERNECE)
15) Critically analyse using the triple bottom line suggests that at the point which economic, social and environmental performance (create section, refer to appendix, use data analysis, REFERNECE)
16) Critically discuss Tesla’s Market share, Share holder analysis, employees, growth, ethics, performance, global demand and supply (REFERENCE, LINK TO APPENDIX)

17) Critically discuss how Tesla is innovating (REFERENCE)

18) Be more critically specific on the nature of Tesla’s sustainability problem and support with evidence.

19) Explain Tesla’s current strategy and relate relevance of these strategies to SSCM, and undertake some critique and discussion (REFERENCE)

20) Conclusion and Recommendations on Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain must be in more detailed discussion and linking back to the key SSCM concepts

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