4.2 Assessment Guidelines and Feedback The assessment of this module consists of an exam (May 17 assessment period; of the total mark allocation for the module) and a portfolio. The portfolio will contain records of placement experience, formative assessments (e.g. reflective reports) and a 2000 word case study. The formative assessments are compulsory. 5.0 Portfolio & Formative Assessment Your portfolio will be a combination for the workbook, reflective reports, and any other relevant materials. It should be clear, comprehensive but concise. It will not be necessary to record every aspect of your experience; however, you should include anything that will show professional development or that has presented you with particular challenges. You can include short reflective reports on such challenges or incedents. Also, for example if you attend any in house or external CPD lectures. The formative exercises will not be marked but will evidence your learning and prepare you for assessment. There are 2 mandatory reflective reports (300-600 words) which are formative. These will be explained in class. The portfolio will be submitted at the end of the module. 5.1 Summative Assessment Case Study It is important that we share knowledge with our colleagues and one method of sharing information is via the use of case studies. This is often used at Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meetings, CPD sessions and in published literature. It can highlight unusual cases or be used to share best practice (e.g. protocols). In this instance it will allow you to explore a specific condition and the role of MR imaging in the patient pathway. This assessment constitutes 50% of the total mark allocation for the module Remember this is a case study and not an essay. You should discuss YOUR patient’s journey and relate your case to the literature. The submission should include the following areas for consideration: • Brief introduction including general description of the patient presentation & condition • Detailed but anonymised patient presentation age and gender • Full clinical presentation/history • The requested imaging examination / protocol & typical radiological appearance (illustrated with appropriate images) • you may describe one other imaging examination the patient may have had prior to, or after the one requested on the card if it is relevant. • treatment outcomes and/or any complications • conclusion/summary You are expected to consult a variety of sources while researching your chosen topic. You must include images & text / figure / illustration used from such sources must be referenced appropriately.
Your essay should be supported by seminal and contemporary literature that has been critically evaluated. Data Protection Issues You must observe the Data Protection Act 1998 (available at http://www.hmso.gov.uk/acts/acts1998/19980029.htm ) when writing up your case studies. Note, too, that you will have to obtain your patient’s written consent before you may use them as your subject. Any patient within a case study must NOT be identifiable in any way to anyone reading your case study. This means you must anonymise any information you may use eg if your 24 year old female patient is being scanned for osteosarcoma, and twin daughters aged three then it might be possible to identify her! Please see separate guidance under the assignment tab for further detail and marking rubric. Word Limit: 2,000 words 5.2 Summative Assessment Submission Strategy Deadline for Submission: The date of submission for the summative case study assessment is no later than Wednesday week 12. Your coursework requires to be submitted in electronic form; both marking and feedback will be delivered electronically. Failure to submit the assessment by this due date will result in a mark of zero being awarded unless evidence of mitigating circumstances is provided 5.3 Assessment Criteria Feedback The marker will provide feedback on the extent to which you have addressed each criterion and award a mark, which provides a high degree of transparency. Good Academic Practice Please refer to the guidance provided on P14 of this handbook and on GCULearn concerning avoiding the pitfalls of plagiarism. The Turnitin box will be set up 2 weeks in advance so that you can upload drafts of your essay in order to check your own originality report/score before the final hand-in. This will allow you see where your academic writing could be developed (i.e. where you should be paraphrasing rather than quoting word-for-word). You can overwrite draft submissions to Turnitin before the essay deadline, and submit as many drafts as you like. There is no ‘cut off’ time for you to submit drafts in order to review, but you must remember to submit your final version by the submission deadline. You must ensure that your last and final submission is one you wish to submit for formal summative assessment. Please note, it can take Turnitin UK time to return an originality report, particularly during peak times, therefore, be aware that the report may take a few hours to be generated.
5.4 Student Instructions for Presentation of Assignments The front cover of all assignments should give the following information: 1. The title of the module, including the SHE Level 2. The title of the programme 3. Student’s full name 4. Matriculation number 5. Name of Module Leader 6. Date of submission The following statement must be given on a separate page and include the student’s electronic signature: “This piece of coursework is my own original work and has not been submitted elsewhere in fulfilment of the requirement of this or any other award”, (GCU Assessment Regulations). The statement must be submitted with the coursework. If this statement is not signed, the work will not normally be marked and will be returned to the student. This may result in the assessment not being considered by the relevant assessment board, with a consequent delay in the result being confirmed. All material used within the assignment must be properly acknowledged to primary or secondary authors. Please check the School Referencing Guidelines. http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/subjecthelp/referencing/harvardreferencing/ A word count must be provided. Unless you are informed otherwise, a 10% penalty will be applied to assignments that are 10% above the specified word length. The word count should be from the first word of the introduction to the final word in the conclusion, but exclude reference lists, bibliographies and appendices. Students should not tally up and deduct in text references. All assignments must be word-processed, using at least a size 12 font (preferably in Times Roman or Arial), and be double-spaced with 3cm left and right margins. Pages should be numbered.