A Christmas Carol Performance Critique Paper

Description: A paper that analytically critiques a live theatrical production.
1. Watch any live theatrical performance and take notes during and after the performance.
2. Write a 1400-1750 word essay
3.  Follow this organization structure:
    a. Introduction: states what you believe the production concept of the performance to be.
    b. Paper body: write separate sections that describe how the set design, costume design, lighting design, and acting style either contributed to or undermined the production concept.
    c. Conclusion: State (1) whether or not the production concept was successfully achieved and (2) if the performance was a worthwhile or successful work of art.
Assignment Expectations:
1. Use 12-point, Times New Roman Font
2. Margins no more than an inch left and right, top and bottom.
3. Double spaced
4. Use language concerning the elements of performance that have been discussed in readings online discussions, quizzes, exams, and other materials provided by the instructor. These elements of performance include: set design, lighting design, costume design, and acting.
5. Follow the order of essay organization that is provided in the assignment instructions.
1. Wait until after you have read your feedback for the Week 6 Mood Board and Week 11 Design Concept assignments to finish this paper. Those previous assignments are intended to help prepare you for writing this paper.
2. Make sure to follow the essay organization structure given in the assignment instructions.
3. Make sure to follow all the guidelines offered in the assignment expectations.
4. Ask the professor well in advance of the due date if clarification is needed.
5. Meet the word count minimum (1400 words).