Performance Measurement and Improvement

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For the purposes of this assignment, you are an operations management consultant for the Association of Providers of Package Holidays in Europe. You are to provide advice and guidance to members of the Association of Providers of Package Holidays in Europe on Business Operations aspects and concepts. Members typically have strength and skill base to provide the technical skills, but tend to lack some of the managerial skills and expertise needed to ensure that their businesses remain competitive and are able to grow. The main aim of the association is to provide support in areas of weakness.

You are to look at the six topic areas of Business Operations listed below.
1. Process types, mapping and design.
2. Layout types and design.
3. The Supply chain and capacity.
4. Location
5. Quality
6. (Performance Measurement and Improvement.)

i should do topic 6 only 850 words .

You can use examples from any organisations or case studies learnt within this unit or of other units.

Your task is to create a web site from which the association members can find guidance on the concepts and principles relating to the identified topics listed 1-6 above.

The website is to be submitted manually on a USB stick or CD. The textual information which is produced for the website must be supported with a Turn-It-In report and be submitted via Turnitin link. The pages may be produced by writing HTML in Notepad using the specified html website files provided by the lecturer. Alternatively, you can choose to use other methods as mentioned in guidance documents provided with the assignment.
The names of the HTML files are as follows and can be used.
Menu Area.html
Contents Area.html
Banner Area.html

This assignment will be a group work assignment and the groups will be determined by the lecturer.

You must keep a backup copy of all your work until the final marks have been confirmed by the Progress Board at the end of the academic year. You are to create a website which will work on ANY independent PC and must be submitted physically on a CD or USB memory stick. It is your group’s responsibility to make sure the web site works on any PC. All your work files pictures and documents must be placed in one folder named with your student’s numbers on the USB or CD. Presented CDs or memory sticks will not be returned to the student after submission. You must not use DVDs.


The web site should consist of:-
The home page / introduction. The page should introduce the site to users, giving them an overview of its purpose and contents, together with any instructions that may be necessary to help them navigate through the site. (300 words approximately)

Six sections – one for each of the topics listed earlier.
Each section should consist of pages devoted to each individual topic using the case studies as the basis for examples and relating the concepts. Each section should introduce and explain the concepts of the topic supported by real and / or case studies drawn from industries or organisations you are familiar with. Diagrams, charts and /or photographs should be used to support the topic where appropriate. (Approximately 800 words per section)
Conclusion – Approximately 300 words A brief summary of what has been provided in each of the six sections and how it relates to the introduction

Site map. The map should give the user a clear overview of all pages and their location. The map may include links to all the pages if you wish, but this is not a requirement.
Useful links. Provide a page of links to external sites where the user may find further information about the five topics. Give brief information about what users will find if they follow the links. Make sure that the external sites open in a new window, so that users do not lose sight of your pages.

Bibliography. The bibliography should conform to the Harvard APA style and should list all sources, including those from which images have been taken.

Design requirements
The site should make use of a frameset, such as the example below.

You can use the four HTML files which are provided by your lecturer to create the web site.
? The banner should show student registration number/s and the name of the organisation you have created for your organisation. Add a logo if you wish. DO NOT SHOW ANY STUDENT NAMES.
? The menu should remain visible at all times. Sub-menus and internal links may be used within the content pages if you wish. It should be possible for the user to navigate to any part of the site by using the links within it: there should be no need to use external controls (e.g. the browser Back button). Remember that those who mark your work will only read pages that can be accessed from the menu.

Design guidance

? Planning. Plan the overall structure of your site before you start creating pages of content.
? Functionality. You should ensure that all features of your site function correctly (e.g. all links work and all images display).
? Usability. You should aim to make your site as user-friendly as possible. Usability considerations include ease of navigation, legibility, consistency of page layout and avoidance of excessive scrolling.
? Colour. Colour has an aesthetic role, but should be used primarily to aid navigation and legibility. Aim for consistency and avoid combinations that may make it hard for users to read the text.
? Images. Images have an aesthetic role, but should be used primarily to support the text. Use only .gif or .jpg images: other file types may not display successfully in all browsers.
? Enhancements. If you wish to display your prowess as a web designer by incorporating such enhancements as breadcrumb menus, rollovers, logos in the banners area and image maps, you may gain a few additional marks for design and implementation. However, you should avoid the use of sound files or any feature requiring a plug-in, and you should take care not to compromise functionality and usability.

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