2- Western Civilization

This a reflective essay based on my course in intro to Humanities 2023 at UTSA ( idk if that info helps at all..)

The question I was assigned to answer is ” How does the course enhance your active participation in society, especially through critical reading, critical thinking and analysis? How would you impact others with what you have learned? ”

Ive added all the papers I’ve worked on this semester in case it helps. Truthfully all the answers can be found in the syllabus where my prof put down everything from learning goals, etc… I would just need your help on how to actually put these things together to make a coherent paper.

Here are the things from the syllabus that you can probably answer the question with:

Course Description
HUM 2023 is an introductory survey of the cultural productions of predominantly Western Civilization from the Paleolithic era through the Renaissance. This course will employ an interdisciplinary approach designed to acquaint students with major cultural developments and aesthetic works produced in the West during the period as well as the dominant critical approaches and terminology used to comment upon them. A central goal of this course is to foster students’ aesthetic appreciation and understanding for these cultural modes.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
CLO 1: Discuss the significance of the Humanities as an expression of the human experience as well as the relationships in production of humanities artifacts between different eras.
CLO 2: Explain the nature of ancient civilizations such as African and Greek civilizations, and the relationships among/between them, the contributions of diverse cultures and forms, and contexts of cultural expression.
CLO 3: Interpret how different ideas are represented through multiple modes of expression in culturally diverse ways.
CLO 4: Analyze different religions in terms of their relations to culture and practice, such as the main tenets of Christendom and the Age of Faith.
CLO 5: Assess the origins, basic beliefs, practices, and history of Western Civilization.
CLO 6: Produce unique and personal reflections and expressions of the human experience by examining a wide range of forms and genres within the Humanities.

as i stated previously, I’ll also upload all my previous papers I did if that helps in anyway.

Also, this is a group paper, so me and three others are working together and we’ve all been assigned questions to answer. I’m telling you this because we have a limit of not going over 4 pages for this essay, so all of us are only limited to 1 page to write. So no need to worry to much about going into deep detail, and I understand the question I have been assigned is quite long, so if needed you don’t have to answer the entire thing.