2- The relationship between the rate of reaction and surrounding temperature in the reaction between HCl and Mg

The relationship between the rate of reaction and surrounding temperature in the reaction between HCl and Mg
2. Exploration
2.1 Background information
Magnesium can have reaction with hydrochloric acid which produces magnesium chloride as well as the hydrogen gases. According to the chemical equation, we can find one unit of Mg reacts with two units of HCl can produce one unit amount of MgCl2 and one unit amount of H2 . The phenomenon of this reaction is that the solid magnesium solves which allows the solution to be colorless, meanwhile, it releases the heat there as an exothermic reaction. As Van’t Hoff’s equation has mentioned that as the temperature rises up by 10K, the chemical reaction’s will be faster as 2-4 times.

RQ: The relationship between the rate of reaction and surrounding temperature in the reaction between HCl and Mg?
2.2 Variables
Kinds of variables Name of variables Measure to vary or control
Independent variable The surrounding temperature When it is reacting, use the burner to give heat to the reaction beaker, controlling the temperature by 25,50,75,100 centigrade.
Dependent variable The rate of reaction The changing in the temperature which leading to the changing of the rate of reaction
Control variable Pressure Pressure is approximately constant because all of the trials are done under the same condition
Control variable The amount of HCl and Mg Use the electronic balanced to measure the certain mass of HCl and Mg each time
Table 2
Type of variables Range/Quantity Units Method of controlling
Independent 25℃/50℃/75℃/100℃ C° Use the thermometer to monitor the temperature when heating the reaction in the beaker
Dependent % error of measured rate of the certain reaction Mol/s Monitor the loss of the mass from time to time and make the function of that rate there
Controlled Pressure kPa Use the pressure sensor to receive the data of the pressure
Controlled The amount of HCl and Mg g The electronic balanced to measure the mass of these two species

2.3 Procedures
1. Use the beaker to carry enough HCl.
2. Use the electronic balanced to find the mass of HCl.
3. Put the Mg onto the electronic balanced and measure the mass of the Mg.
4. Heat the HCl to 25, 50, 75, 100℃ respectively.
5. Topple the Mg into the beaker of HCl.
6. Record the data if the mass of the whole system per 5 seconds.
7. Repeat 2-3 steps for twice.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 with the different temperature for 3 times.

2.4 Safety Concern
Since the HCl solution is such a kind of acid which cannot be touched directly, we need to be careful when we pour the HCl solution. By that reason, we need to wear the lab’s clothes and the gloves to make sure the safety. The beaker may be too hot after heating, making sure not to be scalded.