2- Ted Talks

Assignment Requirements
Your Listening Log should include three sources from Ted Talks https://www.ted.com/talks .
For each of your 3 sources you must address the following points in your own words:
1. Full reference – following the Harvard referencing system
2. Your lecture notes – in your chosen note taking style.
3. Summary – Summarise the lecture/talk using only the main points.
4. Why did you decide to select this particular Ted Talk?
 What were your precise reasons for selecting this source?
 Think particularly about issues such as: the topic addressed, the methods used, the theories
applied, the results achieved, the type of source, its reliability and perhaps the author(s)
5. What was the speaker trying to achieve in giving this talk?
 You need to identify the lecturer’s main aim(s).
 Remember that, in giving a talk, a speaker may be trying to achieve a number of different
things. These may include (but are not limited to): (a) reporting their own work including their
own primary research b) reviewing the work of others; c) developing new theories, or
adapting existing theories; d) expressing certain values or opinions; e) criticising the way in
which things are currently done; f) advising on what should be done in the future.
6. Vocabulary: This section is important for the development of your academic vocabulary.
Identify interesting phrases or words that you can use in your academic writing. Write your own
definition, use it in a sentence, find multiple meanings using the dictionary, identify and record
Submission Deadlines