2- Supplement Project

100 points
Topic Due: Sunday, February 13
Paper Due Sunday, March 13
Shelley A. Rael, MS RDN
Nutr 1020 – Sports Nutrition
Paper: Minimum 2 pages, maximum of 5 pages
1. Decide on a supplement that is of interest to you. It should have a sports nutrition aspect to it. Please keep
in mind the definition of a supplement from chapter 8 of the Skolnik-Chernus book (specifically on page 89,
second paragraph of the page). If you are not sure, please message me, and we can review some ideas. On
occasion, something that is not classified as a supplement but is widely used and legal for its potential
performance-enhancing capabilities may be used. If something is available only by prescription or is not
legal, it will not be approved (such as anabolic steroids).
2. NO later than Sunday, October 3, let me know your topic/supplement choice. You may choose the sports
nutrition supplement of your choice to a certain extent. For example, suppose the supplement isn’t related
to sports nutrition. In that case, it may not qualify (for instance, if you choose “magnesium,” then be able to
explain why this is related to sports nutrition). Additionally, I am somewhat flexible in asking to do
something that is not technically a supplement but is used to enhance sports performance and is legal in the
United States. For example, I have accepted alkaline water and tart cherry juice as topics in the past, and
they are not supplements but may qualify.
Also, I only accept the topic once. If another student chooses fish oil or Emergen-C, I won’t duplicate omega3 supplements or vitamin C in general. Any questions, please ask.
To let me know your topic/supplement choice, send me an email message letting me know the topic. (Email
message link in the envelop icon at the top of Brightspace.)
Pay attention to my responses to you concerning your topic choice. Selections are first-come-first-served. I
will respond by confirming your topic or asking you to choose another. Some students have continued their
topic choice even without getting the go-ahead; however, this is unacceptable.
3. You will be looking at the supplement from two points of view:
From the company that produces/sells/promotes the product.
From a research standpoint: If little or no research is available on the topic, note this in your paper. You
should utilize an unbiased health agency’s point of view instead. See the Supplement Resources at the end
of this document for links to trusted agencies.
Depending on the supplement or product you select, these points of view may be very different or very
similar – report what you find. You will need to include at least two references, preferably 3-4, regarding the
product or supplement, and at least one must be a credible site for supplement “research.” As an example:
BodyBuilding.com is not a credible site for research. Your textbooks, medical journals, trusted internet sites
such as ConsumerLabs.com, FDA.gov, Consumer Reports, etc., are credible sources. List all references that
you use. See the last page of this assignment for additional resources.
At times, people find that there is no research supporting their supplement/product. You do not need to
change your topic, but instead, report these findings in your write-up. Part of the learning process is
discovering that science does not back up things widely accepted as truth.
100 points
Topic Due: Sunday, February 13
Paper Due Sunday, March 13
Shelley A. Rael, MS RDN
Nutr 1020 – Sports Nutrition
4. In your paper, answer the following about your supplement:
· What is the supplement and why you chose it?
· What does this supplement claim to do? What is the alleged benefit of using the product? There may be
many, but what is the primary or sports nutrition/performing benefit of using the supplement?
· Does the company provide any scientific research on the product itself or at least have references to
· Does any celebrity support the product?
· Is this a product that has before and after pictures with it?
· Is this product intended to be used in conjunction with other related products (such as a whole program
of supplements)?
· Is this intended to be used daily?
· What is the usual dose? Approximately how much does this product cost to use over a month?
· Where can one purchase this product: (Walmart, Costco, Amazon, GNC – everywhere or only from
individuals who sell it?
· Is there independent science/research to back up the claims of the company/manufacturer? Looking up
the study, does it back up the claims the company makes?
· How good is the research? For example, is it using humans or animals? How many subjects did the study
include? Was the research looking at the same outcomes as the supplement claims? (For example, some
research on muscle building supplements is looking at muscle growth for people with existing muscle
wasting disease – not on muscle growth in healthy adults.)
· When you look at the research or the independent health agency’s perspective, determine how it
compared to what the company claims.
· Is the information you found on your supplement/product reliable information? Did you find anything
that is a red flag or something that would deter you from taking this supplement or product?
· Report your conclusion(s) based on your findings.
If there is not a sports nutrition application or it is not addressed in this way, POINTS will be deducted.
· Points are deducted for errors in spelling, grammar, and not having proofread your paper.
· Use 11- or 12-point font; Calibri, Times New Roman, OR Arial font; 1.5 spacing; default margins. You may
write this in paragraph/essay format OR bulleted/numbered.
· CONTENT is an essential part of this assignment.
· Topic choices received after the topic due date will have one point deducted from the overall assignment
for each day after this. Confirmation of the topic by the instructor is required.
· Assignments submitted after midnight on the due date have a 10% per day deduction. Projects turned in
a week late are not accepted.
Submit your assignments via Brightspace.
Any questions? Ask.