Standardized Assessment Analysis using WIAT III (10 points) – a table of test results including standard score, age-equivalent, and percentile ranking. (Do not use a computer printout from a scoring program. Create your own table.) At least six subtest scores must be presented. Provide a narrative describing (in a data-based manner) what you know about the student’s strengths and needs based on the norm-referenced test administered and how he/she compares to other students his/her age. Your narrative should include interpretations of the individual subtest results using the format provided in class. Be sure to interpret the standard score, the percentile ranking, and the age equivalent score for each subtest. Your narrative should also conclude with a summary of the student’s relative strengths and needs. It is also appropriate to discuss the student’s test-taking behavior in this section (optional). Include a copy of the student’s complete testing protocol. USING THE WIAT III Scores provided. Example attached using a different test however it needs to be in the same format.