2- Serial Killers and Victim Typology.

The topic is Serial Killers and Victim Typology. The research paper should be very thorough, include a minimum of eight peer-reviewed citations, be 11 pages in length, not including the cover page and citation page, and be current APA 7 format with normal margins, typed and double-spaced. All research papers must have a cover sheet consistent with APA 7 formatting. In-text citations are required.

Research papers first and foremost are about research, proven evidence-based findings, and not written based on your own opinions and personal observations. They include listing many trusted cites and sources to supplement and validate your findings. If you use a quote from a source, be sure you are using quotes and citing where the quote came from. If you have questions about using APA format or what goes into writing a research paper, you may find the Purdue Online Writing Lab website a useful tool: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/658/01/ I strongly encourage you to read up on what contents go into writing a research paper and review sample APA 7 formatted papers before you start to ensure you submit a quality work product.
Review your paper for spelling, grammar, punctuation, content, and formatting, before you submit it. These are important elements I will be looking for in your paper.
Below is a suggested outline for your paper.
Research Paper Outline:
I. Introduction
II. Table of Contents
III. Why did you select this topic?
IV. Objectives (the goals of your paper) or Thesis
V. Organizational Overview of Paper
VI. Analysis Approach (what was done)
VII. Headings for each section. If individual cases were studied, they should have their own heading.
VIII. Discussion & Results (what was found, best practices, how it contributes to the field?
IX. Conclusion(s)
a. State your findings and observations
b. Summary of objectives and your approach to this paper
c. Major findings of this paper & what did you learn
d. Important implications for this paper’s findings
e. Any needed work in the future? Identify & describe if so.
f. Recommendations for victims or victim service providers affected by this crime/topic
X. Citations & References (minimum of 8)