2- Resource Allocation Project

Resource Allocation Project RESOURCE ALLOCATION PROJECT Final Coach Paper – Coach Email and Canvas Submission: Revised Final Paper – Canvas Submission: Appendices Required, please add as separate PDF documents in Canvas: Coaching Call Log Objective & Purpose The development of a strategic resource allocation plan is grounded on the following elements: A. The conceptualization of a school vision that outlines the wider goals of a school community (including the needs of students, teachers, administration and parents). B. Identifying the processes and action plans that will address the school’s goals in achieving its overarching vision. C. Identifying the human resources and other resources (time, materials, facilities, professional development, community relationships, etc) needed to execute the processes and action plans. This assignment introduces you to concepts of resource allocation strategies as discussed in Miles & Frank (2008) (Chapter 1 and 2) and the budget-vision relationships discussed in Sorenson and Goldsmith (2018) (Chapter 1). Readings A. Miles, K. H., and Frank, S. (2008). The strategic school: Making the most of people, time, and money. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. —>Read Chapters 1 and 2 ● This text must be purchased or borrowed from a library to complete this assignment. This text will also be used in ORLA 4025 Resource Allocation to Improve student achievement in the second summer. B. Sorenson, R. D. and Goldsmith, L. M (2018). The principals’ guide to school budgeting. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. —>Read Chapter 1 ● This book is available as a full electronic text via TC Library Portal (must be signed-in to access): https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.tc.idm.oclc.org/lib/teacherscollege-ebooks/detail.action?docID=6261989 C.National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. ● This doc will accompany the case study exercise in Sorenson and Goldsmith (2018) Tasks Budget-Vision/Resource Allocation Case Study Exercise 1) Read Chapters 1 and 2 in Miles & Frank (2008) and Chapter 1 in Sorenson and Goldsmith (2018). 2) Read Case Study Application exercise in Sorenson and Goldsmith (2018) pgs 41-43, follow the Application Directions on pg. 42 and complete the Application Worksheet/Matrix on pg 43. 3) Body of the Paper: Provide a comprehensive audit and analysis of Belle Plain Middle School with accompanying recommendations and plan of action. Write a personal reflection on your experience in completing the Resource Allocation Project. 4) Additional guidance: Your responses should be thorough and guided by the data/indicators outlined throughout the Belle Plain Middle School Case Study, as well as the concepts described in the chapters you read. Aids/Resources Coaches, Principals, Faculty – Leadership Competencies, Managerial Competencies, Professional Development, Pedagogical Philosophy Citation Format: APA Resource Allocation Project Body of the Paper: Reflections, Connections, and Synthesis Font: Times New Roman | Font Size: 12 point | Spacing: Double spaced Section 1 – Comprehensive Audit and Analysis of Belle Plain Middle School (3 pages) ● As you engage in your reading of the case study, aim to identify strengths and potential gaps in the current mission/vision/core values and how resources are currently being allocated. Section 2 – Comprehensive Plan of Action and Recommendation of Belle Plain Middle School (6pages) ● Then consider how the additional revenue provided to the school (12% increase in school budget for next three years and two additional faculty positions) can be prioritized across the ten elements in the worksheet. ● Think broadly about how to allocate the revenue and identify the resources (new or existing) that can be leveraged to help the school make significant and adequate progress in achieving its vision/mission/core values. ● Aim to develop recommendations and actions for each element (per the case study application worksheet directions on p. 42). Section 3 – Reflection (3 pages) ● What did you learn about budgeting and resource allocation? ● As required for all internship projects, write a reflection on your Resource Allocation Project experience. What do you conclude with regard to legal, ethical, and equity issues? Resource Allocation Project ORLA 6460: Internship – Paper Rubric WRITING QUALITY Comments Score Writing includes APA format /5 Minimal grammar/spelling errors /5 Revision Uses Coach Feedback /5 Initial and Final Draft On-time /5 SUBTOTAL /20 PAPER BODY: REFLECTIONs, SYNTHESIS, CONNECTIONS Critical/Key Points Questions/Thoughts for Reflection SUBTOTAL /80 TOTAL POINTS /100 NELP Program-End Rubric This evaluation tool will be used upon the completion of the internship hours, and submission of this project. Evaluators must assess the professional leadership skills and dispositions necessary to carry out the responsibilities and duties of a school building-level leader in alignment Resource Allocation Project with NELP standards. Resource Allocation Project NELP Standard(s) NELP 8.1, NELP 8.2, NELP 8.3 No Evidence Approaching Proficient Advanced Assignment Formatting Requirements Candidate’s paper is not formatted or proofread according to assignment specifications. Sources are not cited. Candidate’s paper is less than 12 pages or more than 20 pages; not double spaced; and/or does not include APA parenthetical citations and a works cited page. Candidate’s paper follows formatting but has multiple errors and does not cite all work or back up ideas with a source; APA format may not have been used. Candidate’s paper is well formatted according to assignment description, cleanly proofread, and follows APA format. Ideas are backed up with a cited source. Candidate’s paper is within the 12-20 page requirement; double spaced; and includes APA parenthetical citations and a works cited page. Ideas and concepts are backed up with coursework and properly cited. NELP 1.2, NELP 5.2, & NELP 6.1 Section I: Comprehensive Audit and Analysis of Belle Plain Middle School Scholarly Writing Evidence – ● Miles, K. H., and Frank, S. (2008). The strategic school: Making the most of people, time, and money. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. —>Read Chapters 1 and 2 ● Sorenson, R. D. and Goldsmith, L. M (2018). The principals’ guide to school budgeting. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. —>Read Chapter 1 There is little to no evidence of analysis, synthesis, or critical thinking. Writing lacks clear organization or requires substantive editing. There is a clear indication that the intern did not leverage any of the three key resources provided. The texts are cited correctly in the reference section but are not found throughout the text. Shows some evidence of analysis, synthesis, and critical thinking. Writing requires some additional organization and editing. There is a clear indication that the intern leveraged one of the three key resources provided. The texts are cited correctly in the reference section but are not found throughout the text. Shows clear evidence of analysis, synthesis, reflection, insight, and critical thinking. Writing is organized and edited. There is a clear indication that the intern leveraged two of the three key resources provided. The texts are cited correctly in the reference section but are not found throughout the text. Shows substantive clear evidence of analysis, synthesis, reflection, insight, and critical thinking. Writing is very well organized and well-edited. There is a clear indication that the intern leveraged all three key resources provided. The texts are cited correctly, both in the reference section and throughout the text. Resource Allocation Project ● National Policy Board for Educational Administration (2015). Professional Standards for Educational Leaders. NELP 1.1, NELP 1.2, NELP 3.1, 3.2, NELP 6.1, & NELP 6.2 Section II: Comprehensive Plan of Action and Recommendation of Belle Plain Middle School Scholarly Reasoning Evidence – Application Worksheet/Matrix and Action Plan Allocation & reallocation of existing and new resources is not developed, organized, or supported by pertinent information from case study and not supported with rationale from assignment readings. Recommendations and Action Items are not developed nor are they supported by contextual information from readings. Application Matrix is not completed and is not correctly labeled/cited within the text. Necessary references and connections to the matrix are missing. Allocation & reallocation of existing and new resources is underdeveloped, unorganized, or insufficiently supported by pertinent information from case study and insufficiently supported with rationale from assignment readings. Recommendations and Action Items are underdeveloped and insufficnelty supported by contextual information from readings. Application Matrix is completed and but not correctly labeled/cited within the text. Necessary references and connections to the matrix are present but not strong. Allocation & reallocation of existing and new resources is mostly developed, organized, and supported by pertinent information from case study and mostly supported with rationale from assignment readings. Recommendations and Action Items are mostly developed and mostly supported by contextual information from readings. Application Matrix is completed but not correctly labeled/cited within the text. Necessary references and connections to the matrix are evident. Allocation & reallocation of existing and new resources is well developed, well organized, and fully supported by pertinent information from case study and well supported with rationale from assignment readings. Recommendations and Action Items are well developed and well supported by contextual information from readings. Application Matrix is completed well and correctly labeled/cited within the text. Necessary references and connections to the matrix are evident with substantial evidence provided to support their answer. NELP 2.1, NELP 4.4, & NELP 6.3 Section III – Reflection: What did you learn about budgeting and resource allocation? As required for all internship projects, write a reflection on Candidate did not include this section or writing in this section did not address central aspects of the section assignment. Candidate’s reflection shows limited or no ability to effectively communicate as a school building leader to advocate for democracy, equity, and diversity in a Candidate includes discussion of their work in the project of analyzing budgets and creating and managing multi-year fiscal plans. Candidate may engage in surface attempts at the reflective leadership practice of describing their strengths and areas of future development with regard to Candidate clearly describes their work in the project of analyzing budgets and creating and managing equitable multi-year fiscal plans. Candidate engages in the reflective leadership practice of describing their strengths and areas of future development. Candidate’s reflection shows strong ability Candidate reflected on their ability to analyze budgets and create and manage multi-year fiscal plans that build more equitable infrastructure across the school. Candidate exemplifies the reflective leadership practice of accurately assessing their strengths and areas of future development. Candidate’s Resource Allocation Project your Resource Allocation Project experience. What do you conclude with regard to legal, ethical, and equity issues? school. legal, ethical, and equity issues. to effectively communicate as a school building leader to advocate for democracy, equity, and diversity in a school to support the success of all students. reflection shows advanced and insightful ability to effectively communicate as a school building leader to advocate for democracy, equity, fairness, and diversity in a school to supports every students’ academic and social success. Resource Allocation Project Assignment NELP Standards NELP Standard 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement ■ Component 1.1: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to collaboratively evaluate, develop, and communicate a school mission and vision designed to reflect a core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and community. ■ Component 1.2: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to lead improvement processes that include data use, design, implementation, and evaluation. NELP Standard 2: Ethics and Professional Norms ■ Component 2.1: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to reflect on, communicate about, cultivate, and model professional dispositions and norms (i.e., fairness, integrity, transparency, trust, digital citizenship, collaboration, perseverance, reflection, lifelong learning) that support the educational success and well-being of each student and adult NELP Standard 3: Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness ■ Component 3.1: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to use data to evaluate, design, cultivate, and advocate for a supportive and inclusive school culture. ■ Component 3.2: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to evaluate, cultivate, and advocate for equitable access to educational resources, technologies, and opportunities that support the educational success and well-being of each student. NELP Standard 4: Learning and Instruction ■ Component 4.4: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to collaboratively evaluate, develop, and implement the school’s curriculum, instruction, technology, data systems, and assessment practices in a coherent, equitable, and systematic manner. NELP Standard 5: Community and External Leadership ■ Component 5.2: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to collaboratively engage and cultivate relationships with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies for the benefit of school improvement and student development. NELP Standard 6: Operations and Management Resource Allocation Project ■ Component 6.1: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to evaluate, develop, and implement management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operation systems that support each student’s learning needs and promote the mission and vision of the school. ■ Component 6.2: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to evaluate, develop, and advocate for a data-informed and equitable resourcing plan that supports school improvement and student development. ■ Component 6.3: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to reflectively evaluate, communicate about, and implement laws, rights, policies, and regulations to promote student and adult success and well-being. NELP Standard 8: Internship ■ Component 8.1: Candidates are provided a variety of coherent, authentic field and/or clinical internship experiences within multiple school environments that afford opportunities to interact with stakeholders, synthesize and apply the content knowledge, and develop and refine the professional skills articulated in each of the components included in NELP building-level program standards 1–7. ■ Component 8.2: Candidates are provided a minimum of six months of concentrated (10–15 hours per week) internship or clinical experiences that include authentic leadership activities within a school setting. ■ Component 8.3: Candidates are provided a mentor who has demonstrated effectiveness as an educational leader within a building setting; is present for a significant portion of the internship; is selected collaboratively by the intern, a representative of the school and/or district, and program faculty; and has received training from the supervising institution.