2- Research Paper

Subject: Harriet and the underground railroad

Rules for Research Papers

1. Most students earn an F on this assignment because they retrieve something from the internet and submit it as their own work.

2. Do NOT procrastinate. Upload in JICS!!! & keep a physical copy.

3. This paper is due Oct. 28, 2022. ***Must be 3 pages (double space)

4. Use Times Roman #12

5. Please double space, except when using a block quote

6. Visit the Writing Center to get help polishing up your paper.

7. Proof read your paper.

8. Use one physical primary (autobiography, diaries, etc.) or secondary (biography) sources

9. Limit your internet source to one. Do NOT rely exclusively and excessively on internet sources

10. NUMBER your pages.

11. Assert your own opinion and analysis. You are becoming the expert on this topic.

12. Parenthetical Footnote: Author, Title, Place of Publication, Publisher, Date of Publication, Page Number)

13. Parenthetical Footnote: Robinson, The Fight Is on in Texas, 79.

14. Bibliography: Author (last name first; first name last), Title, Place of Publication, Publisher, Date of Publication, no parenthesis, no page number.

15. Bibliography: Robinson, Edward J. The Fight Is on in Texas: A History of African American Churches of Christ in the Lone Star State, 1865-2000. Abilene: Abilene Christian University Press, 2008