2- Research Paper

Fall 2021 -NUR 625 This syllabus and topical outline may be changed at the discretion of the faculty 8/24 Page 12
This individual/group field experience paper is a scholarly paper. Follow guidelines from your APA text
regarding punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and correct APA reference format. Guidelines for total
page limits are strict (total 8 pages content -*maximum), excluding 1-title page, 1- abstract, 1- reference(s)
page. You must include three (3) research-based references but may have more. Three of the references
must be primary sources and two may be from secondary sources. You must use headings as listed below.
Failure to hand in proof of submission from the writing lab and a paper that has not been proof-edited by
the writing lab faculty will lead to an automatic -10% deduction from your paper.
1. Abstract. 5%. Follows title page and APA 7th edition guidelines.
2. Introduction. 10%.
A. Begin with something interesting, e.g., a quote or a sentence to interest the reader. Introduce your
background planning and how you decided on this research experience. You may want to link to
your area of interest in nursing.
B. Introduce the research field experience. What is the focus of the experience this semester? Are
there particular concepts of interest? If so, identify them. Some examples are: data entry,
conducting a literature review, completing an annotated bibliography, analyzing the data, collecting
the data, and assisting with poster/podium presentations to disseminate information.
C. Tell why there’s a need for the research being conducted during the field experience.
3. Review of Literature. (30%) Your brief ROL will synthesize information about the research area of
interest. You are required to cite THREE primary sources and citations about the topic of interest. Two
of the three citations must be a primary resource. The third may be a secondary resource. Look at the
sources you reviewed to get ideas about synthesizing literature and summarizing findings rather than
summarizing each article. Tell why you think each research article you reviewed has relevance to your
research experience.
4. Research Experience (40%). This section should include highlights of the research experiences. Discuss
the research experience of group members. Please include narrative from the interview conducted with
your research preceptor.
5. Link to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (ANCC) Essential. (10%) Link one of the 10-core
domains related to the essentials of professional nursing education to your research field experience.
6. Future Plans/Summary (5 %). Final summary paragraph should include how this research will
contribute to nursing science. Include recommendations for future research. Include the groups’
perception of the research project. The final paragraph should be written so that any person without
knowledge of your previous written information could understand your experience. Include the activity
log for each student as an appendix.
Fall 2021 -NUR 625 This syllabus and topical outline may be changed at the discretion of the faculty 8/24 Page 13
NUR 625 Group Field Experience Scholarly Paper Grading Rubric
Student(s) ______________________________________________________Grade__________
____ Did not exceed 8 pages (total 8 pages content, excludes 1-title page, 1- abstract, 1- reference(s) page,
research log and appendices).
____ Abstract included (follows title page). Followed APA guidelines.
____ Title page, reference page, and appendix with research experience log/table.
____ References. Minimum of three research-based references; two of the three references must be primary
sources, the other may be secondary sources.
____ APA, writing, spell check and four exact headings: Background, Review of Literature, Research
experience, Future Plans/Summary.
NUR 625: Group Research Field Experience/Scholarly Paper
Points Earned
Abstract. (5%)
Introduction/Background (10%). Began with something interesting. Introduction of
background linked to area of interest in nursing.
Review of Literature. (30%) Provided a brief synthesis of information about the
research. Three research articles (primary sources), plus two additional sources
were cited. References were cited correctly in the paper and matched references
according to APA
Research Experience. (40%). Offered examples of the research experience.
Link to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (ANCC) Essential. (10%)
Future Plans/Summary. (5 %). Provided a summary of the research experience,
contributions to nursing science and recommendations for future research.