2- Project Paper

S1. Investigate the main components of the societal, economic and educational development of the UAE, analyzing the future prospects and challenges in the country.
S2. Evaluate the efforts for empowerment of women and youth in UAE society
AR1. Demonstrate effective team-work, technology and communication skills in preparing, presenting, and discussing a group project

Group B UAE and Sport
Prepare a group presentation in UAE and sport. ( Traditional sports, Modern sports, Sports infrastructure, etc.) , Course Learning Outcomes to the topic must be reflected in the case study.

General Instructions:
1. A minimum of 6 references must be used. This is one of them ( https://u.ae/ar-ae/about-the-uae/culture/sports-and-recreation)
2. Name the file by your topic and group letter
3. Title page & Table of contents Executive summary (Includes the purpose, research methods), Introduction, Body of report, Conclusions & Recommendations, References ( Uses the proper Harvard style form; all references cited in the text must be on this page and all references cited on this page must be cited in the text
4. Include all details in the cover page, there is clear agenda for what will be presented
5. Completely focused on the topic; includes definitions and/or explanations to introduce the topic properly and justify its choice
6. Information is gathered from appropriate and diverse sources; the presentation contains detailed description of the topic that covers all its aspects
7. A brief summary of the main points is presented; some results or consequences may be included as well as suggestions for further research
8. Presentation skills are very good (speed of speaking, structured, clear pronunciation, focused, understandable voice, … etc.); presenter is confident and demonstrates a clear understanding of the material; good time management
9. The presentation is extremely well designed; a good number of pictures / figures / tables is used and they are properly labeled and tastefully colorful; appropriate and will organized
10. All Learning Outcomes are achieved
11. Follow the presentation guideline.
Type of Assessment Online PPT Presentation (Max 10 slides).
Total Marks 10
Online PowerPoint
Presentation guideline
 Presentation length, between (10-15) slides
 The first slide should contain the course name and code; title of presentation; name and ID of learners; semester and date
 The slides should be appropriately titled and numbered
 The proper sequence of the content
 The presentation should not exceed 10 minutes
 learners are expected to work effectively in teams, and to present a self- and peer evaluation at the end of project detailing their own participation in the project and commenting on their colleagues’ efforts, based in the evaluation guide.
 References: Use Harvard style for referencing and for in-text citations of the used resources. (add it on the last page in case study presentation)

Submission date End of Week 12 – Saturday 20th Nov. (before 10.00 pm)
Learning Outcomes S1,S2,AR1
Rubrics Refer to the rubrics below
Assessment Feedback Grades and comments will be posted to the learners on the VLE within 2 weeks of the submission deadline.

Rubrics for the Individual Presentation
Criteria Excellent Good Poor Mark
Cover page and presentation agenda (1 point) Include all details in the cover page, there is clear agenda for what will be presented (1 point) One item is missing in the cover page, the agenda of the presentation not covering all the items will be presented (0.5 point) Missing many items in the cover page, there is no agenda for the presentation. (0 point)
Introduction (1 point) Completely focused on the topic; includes definitions and/or explanations to introduce the topic properly and justify its choice
(1 point) Focused on the topic, but without definitions or explanations; justification for choosing the topic is not well written
(0.5 point) The topic is not properly introduced; there are no definitions or explanations; there is no justification for choosing the topic
(0 point)
Main body (content)
(3 points) Information is gathered from appropriate and diverse sources; the presentation contains detailed description of the topic that covers all its aspects
(3 points) Information is gathered from related but limited sources; the presentation contains limited description of the topic that covers most of its aspects
(2 points) Information is gathered from limited and poor sources; the presentation fails to describe the main aspects of the topic
(0-1 point)
Conclusion (1 point) A brief summary of the main points is presented; some results or consequences may be included as well as suggestions for further research
(1 point) A summary is included but missing some main points
(0.5 point) Conclusion is missing altogether or does not address any of the main points
(0 point)
Presentation Skills
(2 points) Presentation skills are very good (speed of speaking, structured, clear pronunciation, focused, understandable voice, … etc.); presenter is confident and demonstrates a clear understanding of the material; good time management
(2 points) Presentation skills are adequate; presenter is not very confident but demonstrates some understanding of the material; moderate time management
(1 points) Presentation skills are very poor; presenter is hesitant and demonstrates lack of understanding of the material; no time management;
(0-1 point)
Design & Visual appeal
(1points) The presentation is extremely well designed; a good number of pictures / figures / tables is used and they are properly labeled and tastefully colorful; appropriate and will organized (1 points) The presentation is adequately designed; some pictures / figures / tables are used but they are not labeled properly; suitable; (0.5point) The presentation is poorly designed; colors are clashing; no pictures / figures / tables are used; font is not easily readable. (0 point)
Answering Questions
(1 point) All questions are correctly answered
( 1 points) Some questions are correctly answered and some not
(0.5 point) Most questions are not correctly answered
(0 point)
Total Grade 10

Peer Evaluation Rubric for Group Projects

Peer Evaluated (Name): Evaluated by (Name):
Aspect of team work Well below average (1) Below average ( 2) Average (3) Above average (4) Well above average (5)
1. Forming good team solidarity
2. Able to lead and manage task given
3. Able to plan and allocate tasks
4. Provide good ideas and solutions
5. Able to overcome team social problems
6. Support team members to complete project
7. Willingly taking on unpopular jobs