2- Personal and Professional Reflections

Personal and Professional Reflections: Part Two
These reflection papers are meant to tap your reflective capacities. Therefore, you
can be somewhat creative in your approach. However, be sure to note any
requirements and address the themes noted. Going beyond these themes is
This second paper will ultimately become Section Two of your final paper.
Drawing on content from the following modules: Emotional Intelligence and Culture
Competence, Leadership and Management, and Organizational Culture and
Teambuilding, write this paper using this question as your guide:
How do my beliefs, values and interpersonal skills influence the way I function
as a professional in my organization?
Pulling from our discussion topics, address at least two of the following themes in
your paper:
• Emotional Intelligence and/or Empathy
• Culturally Competent Leadership
• Leadership: Definition and Values
• Organizational Culture
• Team Member Function
You should have already spent some time thinking about these themes and how
they relate to your development while participating in the discussions. You are free
to add other content that you feel address the core question of this paper. Pull in at
least two scholarly citations to support your ideas. This paper should be between 3-
5 pages, double spaced, APA style and proofread.
While you should use references, this paper should be about YOU, not a
summary of the content. Show your knowledge of the content through your ability
to relate it to your own development. Examples to highlight the concepts related to
your own life will help to do this.
The following will be used as a rubric in assessing your work:
Criteria Points Possible
Writer addressed themes provided in instructions 10
Writer used content from course materials and modules to
support ideas
Writer followed APA guidelines 1
Writer used correct spelling, grammar, sentence
structures, punctuation, and word usage
Two or more scholarly articles were cited and referenced 2
Total Points 20