2- Nursing Administration

Research and identify a current article on Nursing Administration, another current article on Nursing Education, and a third current article on the Advanced Practice Nurse (APRN) that focuses on future trends and opportunities facing each area. Cite and reference all sources to receive credit.
For each article summarize what you learned or surprised you regarding nursing administration, education, or advanced practice.

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Student #1
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Article 1:

This article discusses nursing administrators’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic presented new and unexpected challenges to all administrators in acute care facilities, long term facilities, and outpatient facilities as well. Some of these challenges came in the form of “leadership’s thinking to consider operational challenges not identified in the past disaster-planning exercises (Hardt DiCuccio, Reynolds, Snyder & Cianci, 2020).” This article was surprising to me because I worked during the COVID-19 pandemic and never once thought of how stressful it was for nursing administrators during that time. Nursing administrators were struggling to adapt their emergency response plan, staffing issues, maximizing safety and supplies or equipment. This article really taught me to view working during the pandemic in a nursing administrators’ position, while nurses like myself were struggling on the frontlines to take care of these patients, they were in the background stressing to maintain our safety, adequate supplies, and equipment.

Article 2:

This article discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has created new obstacles when providing nursing education to nurses in all settings. Nurse educators were having to become innovative when creating educational experiences from a distance, challenging not only their teaching methods but also the student’s ability to learn outside the classroom setting. “The challenge to provide relevant clinical experiences has resulted in an increased use of simulation, telehealth and virtual reality while being sensitive to regulatory requirements stipulated by state or country boards of nursing. Although these resources are available, nurse faculty have been challenged by availability of resources—not all academic institutions have needed technology—and be regulatory requirements (Morin, 2020).” What I learned and found most interesting about this article is all the different types of equipment used to make distance learning as interactive and hands on as possible. This also created lots of challenges to many facilities who could not afford programs, equipment, stimulators, computers, and other technology used to help create these educational experiences.

Article 3:

This article explores the spiritual, emotional, and psychological impact the COVID-19 impact had on advanced nurse practitioners. With the use of a cross sectional web-based study, the resilience of frontline workers specifically advanced practice nurses was studied and recorded to see the impact of the COVID-19 had on them. One result that I found interesting was “participants from countries with well-developed Advanced Practice Nurses roles reported lower resilience and well-being scores compared with those from countries where Advanced Practice Nurses roles are still being developed (Rogers, Lamarche, Miller, Moore, Spies, Taylor, & Staempfli, 2022).”


Hardt DiCuccio, M., Reynolds, C., Snyder, A., & Cianci, N. (2020). COVID-19: the nursing administration response. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 43(4), 468-479. doi: 10.1097/CNQ.0000000000000330.

Morin, K. (2020). Nursing education after COVID-19: same or different?. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(17-18), 3117-3119. https://doi-org.ezproxy.uta.edu/10.1111/jocn.15322

Rogers, M., Lamarche, K.,Miller, M., Moore, K. S., Spies, L. A., Taylor, J., & Staempfli, S. (2022). Global emotional and spiritual well-being and resilience of advanced practice nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(5), 1483-1492. https://doi-org.ezproxy.uta.edu/10.1111/jan.15161

Student-# 2 Ololade

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Leadership is defined as the art of influencing others to achieve their maximum potential to accomplish any task (Specchia et al, 2021). Leadership plays a key role in affecting outcomes for profession, patients and work. The purpose of this article was to analyze the correlation between leadership styles and nurses’ job satisfaction. Leadership style has a direct influence on staff performance. Positive and supportive leadership styles can influence nurses’ intent to stay in their current position.
The rapidly changing healthcare creates endless possibilities to improve patient care, safety and outcomes ( Kavanagh & Sharpnack, 2021). For the future in nursing education, more emphasis should be placed on preparing future nurses for successful clinical practice. It is necessary for the nurse educator to inspire while challenging new nurses’ to deliver a competent, culturally aware and evidence-based care.
Advanced practice nurses are graduate prepared clinicians who focus on health illness management and are leaders in shaping and implementing health policy priorities, they should be involved in advocating for improved social and healthcare policies on behalf of individuals. The article I researched on the advance practice nurse is on how the APN can become engaged in the political system to promote healthcare interests of patients in the communities and improve on the nursing profession (Kostas-Polston, Thanavaro, Arvidson & Taub, 2022). According to the article, the APRN has a duty to be involved in policy issues to develop professionally and personally. They have a duty to practice to the full capability of their education and training and be involved in policy issues affecting their patients and practice but in line with the codes of conduct of the professional organizations. For the future and to improve on the nursing professions, NPs should develop political competence by becoming politically engaged and develop a longstanding relationship with policy makers and their staff, so that they can be viewed as trusted source to provide useful objective and analysis (Kostas-Polston et al, 2022).
Specchia, M.L., Cozzolino, M.R., Carini, E., Dipilla, A., Galleti, C., Ricciardi, W. & Damiani, G (2021). Leadership styles and nurses’ job satisfaction. Results of a systemic review.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1552. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18041552

Kavanagh, J.M., Sharpnack, P.A. (2021). Crisis in competency: A defining moment in nursing education. The online Journal of Issues in Nursing. https://doi.org/10.3912/OJIN

Kostas-Polston, E. A., Thanavaro, J., Arvidson, C., & Taub, L. M. (2015). Advanced practice nursing: Shaping health through policy. Journal Of The American Association Of Nurse
Practitioners, 27(1), 11-20. https://doi Links to an external site.. org/10.1002/2327-6924.12192