2- Nursing

Arrange permission to attend an IEP meeting as a guest, where a CSN will be providing a report. You will want to identify this opportunity as soon as you can so that you can complete the assignment on time. Check with your preceptor or a certified nurse in your district to make these arrangements. Even if you have an IEP designation and/or have been to an IEP meeting in some capacity, please take advantage of this opportunity. We are lifelong learners and can always learn a few new things from observing others OR perhaps feel validated that we are doing a great job already.

Submit a reflection that describes your experience, what you learned from your observation, and what goals you have set as a result. Include the following:
 Provide an overview of the meeting that includes the following
o Discussion of the role of the CSN as you observed it to be at the meeting
 Did you see the CSN as an advocate? A leader? Was the CSN well prepared? How did they interact with the family?
 Was the role of the CSN as you expected?
o What did you observe about the structure and leadership of the meeting?
o Discuss the parent’s role in the meeting and how they interacted with the members of the team
 Do you think they felt included as equal members?
 Did they seem intimidated by it all?
o Discuss how or if strengths, as well as needs, of the student were highlighted
o Identify positive aspects of the meeting and any negatives you observed
o Summarize what you learned from the experience
 How will this observation affect your future participation in IEP meetings?
o Finally – what goals will you set for yourself to increase your knowledge, skills, and abilities because of this experience?
 When you submit your document, please label it as: Last name, IEP reflection

NOTE (no rubric): A title page is not required but helpful to identify your work. Please make sure to have your name on the submission. There is not a length requirement. Part of professional writing is learning to be concise and clear. Please follow the outline of requirements spelled out in the assignment and make sure you have covered all points. Use narrative and complete sentences. This should read as a thoughtful reflection of what you feel you need to address and why.