2- Modern Poetry

Modern Poetry→ In a 700 – 900 word essay, compare the works of two authors from
this lesson. Focus on the themes presented in their poems. Ideally, you will find a
common theme and explore how each author explores said theme. Alternatively, explain
how one author focuses on writing about one theme and how that author presents the
theme, while a second author focuses on another theme.
Recommended Outline
INTRODUCTION – Explain what authors, poems, and themes you will be writing about.
Explain why you chose these topics.
BODY PARAGRAPHS: AUTHOR A – Explain how Author A writes about a theme and
what message the author is trying to convey. Use direct quotations from the poem to
prove your point.
BODY PARAGRAPHS: AUTHOR B – Explain how Author B writes about a theme and
what message the author is trying to convey. Use direct quotations from the poem to
prove your point.
CONCLUSION – Summarize your paper.
*NOTE: The “BODY PARAGRAPHS” sections can include more than one paragraph per
author. For example, if you think Author A writes about three themes, you may want to
include one paragraph for theme A, one for theme B, and one for theme C.
Video Resources (Not Necessary but helpful for writing)
1. Introduction → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG9el6hOjm8
Article Resource (Not Necessary but helpful)
1. Modern Poetry is Different from What it Used to Be →
2. Is Modern Poetry Too Complicated for Modern Readers? →
3. Is Free Verse Killing Poetry? →
Literature (Select 2)
1. W.B. Yeats’ The Second Coming →
2. T.S. Eliot’s Lovesong →
3. Garcia Lorca’s Lament → http://www.boppin.com/lorca/lament.html
4. Rainer Maria Rilke’s Panther and Swan →
https://www.wenaus.org/poetry/panther.html and

The Swan

5. Anna Akhmatova’s Requiem →
6. Wallace Steven’s Of Modern Poetry →