2- Microbiology

General Microbiology – SCB260
Final Laboratory Project for Microbial Specimen
This assignment will count as Final Part of the Individual Unknown project (20% of the grade)
The Safe Assign tool will be turned on to make sure that the work you are submitting your original work.
Using the same morphological unknown organism, you isolated since week 1, do the following:
Build a hypothetical story of: a patient, animal, plant, or environmental problem (if applicable). Please include the following:
1. hypothesis
2. description of symptoms and signs of the patient
3. description of laboratory tests (experiments) specific to the suspected organism including:
Gram reaction,
structural staining,
optimal growth conditions: temperatures, pH, aerotolerance
Biochemical tests and special media according to whether you have a Gram +, Gram-, Acid fast organisms: Please note that you all the tests below may not apply to your organism.
Mannitol, EMB, MacConkey, Blood Agar, OF-Glucose, Phenol Red Carbohydrate fermentation, MR-VP, Nitrogen reduction, Catalase, Oxidase, Citrate test, decarboxylation, deamination, Bile Esculin, Starch hydrolysis, Urea, Casein, Gelatin hydrolysis, DNA hydrolysis, Lipid hydrolysis, SIM and any other test you consider appropriate in the identification of your organism.
4. Provide a flow chart/dichotomous key to all tests you did for your unknown.
5. discussion/conclusion: please include your original hypothesis organism and discuss whether after performing enzymatic/biochemical tess, you proved your hypothesis correct or incorrect. Also, include what is the antimicrobial method (chemical/physical) treatment for the infection/disease or mitigation (if you have an environmental species).
***You must submit the final document in ePortfolio assessment in the lab portion of the course.
e-Portfolio submission information
Dear Class,
Sign in to ePortfolio for the lab part of the course and click on the assessment tab, the assessment tab will take you to another page where you can upload the final unknown document – see below
Failure of ePortfolio deposit will result in a couple of points off from the grade assigned in Blackboard for your final work.