2- Mexican Peso Crisis

Thinking about your country of focus, you need to analyze the government response (intervention) that was used to try and fix the economy during this period of time and the impact of that intervention. (Mexican peso crisis in 1994).
In Part 1, you wrote about the root cause of the economic situation. (I already did the first part, I have chosen the Mexican peso crisis in 1994). In this section, you will write about what the government did to fix the situation and if it was effective or not.
All topics below must be included in the paper with a minimum of 1 paragraph for each, plus and appropriate intro and conclusion.
Describe at least two (2) policies that the government put in place during the recession to try and fix the recession. When analyzing each type of policy, explain whether the policy is fiscal policy, monetary policy or supply-side policy and why. (Hint: most countries don’t actively use supply-side policy. If there country did not use supply-side policy, there is no need to discuss it. On the other hand, there are some countries that don’t have control over their own monetary policy for a variety of reasons. If the country could not use monetary policy for some reason it would be interesting to discuss it here.)
What was the intended impact of these government policies? Note: government policies are not always effective, this is asking about the objective or goal of the government policies, not necessarily if these worked or not.
What was the actual impact of the government policies? As objectively as possible, were there policies effective or not? Why? (This is not the place to discuss what the government could have done better, that belongs in Part 3.)
A minimum of 5 sources are required.
I need a report that is 4 pages long, typed double-spaced without counting the reference page. I need four full pages.