2- Marketing Plan

Choose Company Name
Marketing Plan
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents 0
Executive Summary 2
• Business Summary 2
Company background ( general information related to company’s establishment, history and growth, branches, products, employees, ….) 2
• Stakeholders : define the organization main stakeholders / roles / responsibilities. 2
• Marketing Team & Management 2
Marketing Goals 2
Marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 3
Target Audience 3
Audience Personas 4
Audience Persona #1 Name 4
Audience Persona #2 Name 5
Situational Analysis 6
Competitor Name #1 6
Competitor Name #2 7
Core Competencies 7
Company Strengths 7
Marketing Team Strengths 8
SWOT Analysis 8
Marketing Mix 8
Product 8
Price 8
Place 9
Promotion 9
Pricing Strategy 9
Marketing Initiatives 9
Marketing Channels 10
Channel #1 11
Channel #2 11
Channel #3 11
Channel #4 11
Marketing Technology 11
Editorial Calendar / or Executive plan 12
Marketing Budget 12

Executive Summary
Tip An executive summary is the highest level overview of your marketing plan.

• Business Summary
Company background ( general information related to company’s establishment, history and growth, branches, products, employees, ….)
Vision ,Mission Statement, objectives & values.

• Stakeholders : define the organization main stakeholders / roles / responsibilities.
• Marketing Team & Management
Tip: Team Member Name:

Marketing Goals
Tip: Marketing goals are specific, measurable, aspirational, realistic, and time-bound that serve as the “north star” for all marketing efforts.

Marketing Goal Name Marketing Goal Description
Marketing Goal #1
Marketing Goal #2
Marketing Goal #3
Marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Tip: A marketing metric is a quantifiable variable that can be measured to track performance. It may be helpful to choose lead indicators that are likely to result in meeting goals.

Marketing KPI Name Marketing KPI Description
Marketing KPI #1
Marketing KPI #2
Marketing KPI #3
Target Audience
Tip: Your target audience is the ideal customer you want to attract to your product or service through your marketing efforts.

Target Audience Traits Your Company Target Audience Description
Target Market
Buying Authority
Buying Triggers
Audience Personas
Tip: An audience persona presents audience data as an example customer. It helps you visualize who you’ll market to.
Audience Persona #1 Name

Persona Profile #1 Your Company Persona Descriptions
Job Title
Income Level
Family Life
Buying Behaviors
Audience Persona #2 Name

Persona Profile #2 Your Company Persona Descriptions
Job Title
Income Level
Family Life
Buying Behaviors
Situational Analysis
Tip: Your situational analysis will help you understand your marketing situation at a glance.
Competitor Name #1
Competitor Profile Your Competitor Descriptions
Competitor Name
Competitor Positioning
Competitor Marketing Tactics
Competitor Pricing Strategies

Competitor Product #1 Product Information
Product Name
Product Price
Product Positioning
Product Marketing

Competitor Product #2 Product Information
Product Name
Product Price
Product Positioning
Product Marketing
Competitor Name #2
Competitor Profile Competitor Descriptions
Competitor Name
Competitor Positioning
Competitor Marketing Tactics
Competitor Pricing Strategies

Competitor Product #1 Product Information
Product Name
Product Price
Product Positioning
Product Marketing

Competitor Product #2 Product Information
Product Name
Product Price
Product Positioning
Product Marketing
Core Competencies
Tip: Your company’s core competencies are what it does better in marketing than anyone else.
Company Strengths

Marketing Team Strengths

SWOT Analysis
Tip: A SWOT analysis examines these traits of your company to understand your place in the competition.

Helpful Harmful
Internal Strengths Weaknesses
● ●
External Opportunities Threats
● ●
Marketing Mix
Tip: The seven Ps — product, price, place, promotion, packaging, positioning, and people — will help you center your marketing around your product and audience.

Tip: Product is the first P in the marketing mix and is defined as physical goods or services sold to make a profit for the business.

Tip: Price is the second P in the marketing mix, referring to how much the business charges for its good or service.

Tip: Place is the third P in the marketing mix. Place determines where the good or service will be sold based on the target audience’s location or searching for the product.

Tip: Promotion is the fourth P in the marketing mix. Once a product is ready for market, strategies need to be developed to make the public aware and interested.

Pricing Strategy
Tip: Define how pricing relates to your marketing as in economy pricing, skimming prices, competitive pricing, luxury pricing, and so on.

Marketing Channels
Tip: A marketing channel can mean any method or platform that’s used to market a product or service to consumers.
Channel #1

Channel #2

Channel #3

Channel #4

Marketing Technology
Tip: Define the software, tools, and resources you will use to plan, execute, monitor, and control your marketing plan.

Technology Your Tool
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Social Media
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Knowledge Sharing
Work Management
Editorial Calendar
Editorial Calendar / or Executive plan
Tip: A marketing calendar is a tool for planning and organizing your marketing projects in one place. Start free with Marketing Calendar by CoSchedule.

Marketing Budget
Tip: Your marketing budget is the planned amount of money you’ll spend to make your marketing goal a reality.

Expense Type Cost
Paid Promotions
Total Expenses