2- Marketing Management

 Scope of Assignment
 Assignment – Marketing Plan (Group).
 The students are required to write a “Marketing Plan”.
 The templates to be followed are given and explain in the class and
intensively in chapter (2) Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans. In
addition, all information and guidance are available in the course syllabus.
 The report must show student’s analytical skills and his/her ability to
evaluate and provide market SWOT analysis, assessing growth
opportunities, goal formulation and strategic formulation.
CLO # CLO Description Type of Examinations No. of
mark(s) Points Score
Essay – Marketing
1 5
Essay – Marketing
1 5
Essay – Marketing
1 25
Essay – Marketing
1 5
 The maximum mark is 40.
 The weight of this instrument constitutes 25% of the total course grade. TOTAL 25
Assignment Guideline –Marketing Management Page 2 of 1
 Please discuss the topic for such assignment with your professor before you
 You can mainly follow the marketing plan contents as seen in chapter 2 or
as seen below:
 All groups must develop a complete marketing plan according to the
guidelines given below.
Your written report should contain:
Title page – according to the University of Sharjah’s guidelines (Don’t forget to write the ID and names of
all the members of the group)
Table of contents – Remember to insert page numbers on each page of the report
1. Executive summary:
 1-2 paragraph summary of your plan
2. Company description:
 This section briefly presents the company background, lines of business, mission & vision, target
market, competitive advantage, and the industry in which it operates.
 Objective of the marketing plan: to launch a new product/ service. Set realistic goals to achieve
based on your choice.
3. Situation analysis
 This section presents an analysis of the business environment and the factors affecting you
company. It also covers relevant trends and potential critical issue that your company may face in
the coming year(s). An analysis of the marketing includes demographic factors, political factors,
technological factors, economic factors and social factors.
 A SWOT analysis have to be included also.
4. Description of your new product/service concept
 In this section describe your new product or service concept. Explain the goals and the rationale
behind the product/service (why you think it will be profitable to develop, refer to the situation
analysis), how it aligns with the current company portfolio. To build your arguments you are
encouraged to use secondary data from reliable sources or collect your primary data (short survey,
or depth interviews)
5. Marketing strategies: each of the following should be described as specifically as possible, and with
strategic justification.
5.1. Segmentation strategy & potential target market
 Describe target market for the new product/service
 Argue for bases for segmenting consumer markets
 Explain strategy for selecting target market(s)
5.2. Positioning & differentiation strategy:
 What is the positioning for the new product/service?
 How it fit with the current portfolio?
 How you will differentiate the new product/service from those competitors
5.3. Products strategies:
 Describe Total Product – Three levels of product
 Type of Consumer Product
 Explain the choice of the brand name
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 Describe Product attributes, packaging
5.4. Pricing strategy
 What is your suggested pricing strategy and the rationale behind?
5.5. Distribution strategy
 What is the channel of distribution for your product or service (online, traditional outlets, etc.)?
 What is the intensity of distribution? Why?
5.6. Promotion strategy
 Advertising, sales promotions, public relation, personal selling.
 Which method or combination of methods you plan to use and why. Be specific.
6. Social responsibility
 Explain what your company plan to do in term of social responsibility, if any
7. Concluding Comments
8. References
Additional notices
 You must submit a hardcopy of your report the day of your presentation.
You must also submit a softcopy of both your presentation and report via
 Submit both a soft copy via blackboard and a hard copy to the instructor.
 Please return to the course syllabus to get more information about the
 This assignment worth %25 of the total marks.
 The plan should be written in 10 – 15 pages (A4) with one space and Times