2- Management Report

Case Study
Starbucks has grown from humble beginnings in Seattle to become one of the world’s greatest coffee conglomerates. It is now one of the most successful coffee companies in the world.
It rules the United States, taking centre stage in the American culture. With approximately 30,000 locations globally, it is also a world leader in coffee sales.

Starbucks opted to expand to Australia after seeing initial success in international markets, launching its first store in Sydney in 2000. However, in 2008, it closed more than 70% of its stores in Australia.
America’s favourite coffee hasn’t fared well in Australia despite its initial success. Starbucks claimed $105 million in losses early in their Australian venture. As of 2020, there are just 23 Starbucks outlets in Australia, compared to 11,962 (and counting) in the United States.
However, Starbucks has not given up in Australia. Since the extensive 2008 closures, the firm has gradually begun to open new stores around the country.

Task 1 of 4 – Management Report
As Starbucks’ business development manager, you have been tasked with researching the company’s performance in Australia. The CEO has requested you to analyze Starbucks’ strategic position to understand the market better and boost operational efficiency to cater to the Australian market.
Prepare a report that covers the following:
• Analyze Starbucks’ competitive environment using strategic management tools. Suggest the strategic options for Starbucks Australia.
• Identify core competencies of Starbucks. Distinguish them from the competition to identify their competitive advantage. Suggest a competitive strategy in the Australian market.
• Discuss the scope of operations management in contributing to the implementation of business strategy. Discuss the 4 V’s operations in the Starbucks context.

Delivery and Submission:
• 1 x Management Report (2000 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references, and appendices.
A comprehensive Harvard-style reference list must be included at the end of the work representing the in-text citations used in reference to the published work. Both in-text citations and a Reference list are required.

Task 2 of 4– Research Report
Starbucks has decided to adopt a more sustainable approach to its operations. As a manager, you have been tasked to research and adopt a suitable green supply chain management procedure; you have also been instructed to allocate a budget to implement the new policies.
Prepare a report that addresses the following:
• Evaluate Starbucks’ current standing in terms of various sustainability practices.
• Explain and analyze the various green technology briefly that Starbucks may use to establish a more sustainable approach in its daily operations.
• Briefly discuss the supply chain sustainability measures. Apply the six steps for a sustainable supply chain in the context of Starbucks’ Australia.
• Discuss different types of budgets. Develop the budgeting cycle while identifying the possible causes for variances and the necessary steps to be taken.
Delivery and Submission:
• 1 x Research Report (3500 words) excluding TOC, diagrams, references, and appendices.
A comprehensive Harvard-style reference list must be included at the end of the work representing the in-text citations used in reference to the published work. Both in-text citations and a Reference list are required.

Task 3 of 4– Presentation
Based on your research, it was found that the root cause of Starbucks’ underperformance was the lack of adaptability. You will now need to prepare a presentation analyzing and evaluating cross-cultural consumer behaviour. You will be presenting your findings to the higher management of Starbucks’ where you will be addressing the critical issues within Starbucks’ international marketing strategy. You will also be talking about the solutions for improving international marketing communications.
Create a presentation that investigates and includes:
• An introduction to the influence of culture on consumer behaviour. A brief discussion on the national culture in context with Australians and their coffee habits.
• Analyze the Australian buyer behaviour using the model for the consumer buying process.
• Discuss the international market research process and levels of cross-cultural equivalence. Discuss the merits and demerits of standardization Vs. Adaptation.
• Critically discuss the concepts of “branding strategies,” “Global Branding,” and “Glocalization” and how these concepts can be utilized to address Starbucks’ international marketing strategies.
Delivery and Submission:
• 1 x Presentation file consisting of 1500 words (1000 words in slides and 500 words in speaker notes) excluding diagrams, references, and appendices.
The references (at least 5) must be presented on the last page of the presentation

Task 4 of 4 – Research Assignment
Present a comprehensive research assignment identifying the activities that define the role of human resource management in an international context. Acknowledge the role of human resources in global business operations.
Within this research assignment, specific reference should be made to:
• The human resource challenges faced by organizations in their international operations.
• How do human resource professionals employ the concepts and techniques such as acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees for international business operations?
• The influence of the international business environment factors on the operating, investing, and financing activities.
Delivery and Submission:
• 1 x Research assignment of 5000 words excluding TOC, diagrams, references, and appendices.

Evidence to be submitted:
• Management Report – 2000 words
• Research Report – 3500 words
• Presentation File – 1500 words
• Research Assignment – 5000 words