To increase the audience’s understanding and knowledge of a particular description, definition or demonstration.
To use a variety of supporting materials (i.e., testimony, examples, statistics, etc.) from a variety of sources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, books, webpages, scholarly research journals, etc.) in order to add depth to your speech, to add evidence in support of your ideas, and to maintain your audience’s interest in the topic.
3. To use descriptive language, effective delivery techniques, and self-evaluation in order to increase speaker effectiveness.

4. To connect your topic of interest with the knowledge and/or theories used in your major discipline.


Topic will be on the Rise of the Guardian Angels in NYC founded by Curtis Sliwa .
The informative speech is designed to help you further develop speech-making skills. You may give your speech on a U.S. history or Current Events tie in. A variety of topics would be appropriate.

Some topics might lend themselves to be persuasive as well as informative presentations. You should, however, stick to INFORMING your audience for this speech. (DO NOT tell the audience what they should do or believe or tell them that something is a problem or is beneficial or “the best” action to take.) Visual aids should be used for this speech and for all speeches in this class.


Your speech should be effectively organized, outlined, introduced, and concluded.
Your main points should be clearly supported by at least THREE (3) PIECES of supporting material. Your three [3] kinds of applications (examples, statistics, and testimonies) need to be cited in [1] your speech itself aloud and [2] in the bibliography. You should use different types of sources in your bibliography (book, magazine, webpage, journal, etc.). Be sure to use proper MLA (Modern Language Association) format for each citation.
Your speech must be delivered extemporaneously from the outline. Do NOT prepare a speech manuscript; do NOT memorize a manuscript; do NOT read points word-for-word. Practice your speech several times using the Speaking Outline BEFORE the day of your presentation.
Evaluation criteria include: Introduction, Organization & Use of Transitions, Content Development, Use of Supporting Material and Visual Aids, Use of Language, Conclusion, Delivery, and Overall: Time limit, Audience-Centeredness, Outlines.

Checklist of Items Due:

Typed Speaking Outline following standard speech outline format and organizational patterns in the textbook and discussed in class.
Typed Bibliography: Should be on a separate page and attached to the Speaking Outline