2- HR Systems & Policies

Your task is to create an organization on paper and design HR systems/policies/practices, which are relatively realistic, well-supported, and strategically aligned with the organization description you created. Most importantly, you are going to support all of your design/policy decisions using logic, strategic reasoning, and your vast knowledge of HR gained through the course readings, lectures, and exercises.

PART 2: Create the HR Systems Content and Write-Up the Final Report
You will now assume the role of HR consultants. Design the HR systems and practices for the organization you described, and specifically, for the 5 key jobs you identified above. Assume that you are starting from scratch with no legacy systems implemented EXCEPT for the constraints implied by your organizational description in Part 1. For instance, you probably cannot afford to lead the market in pay in all jobs if you are pursuing a cost leadership strategy. WHAT you choose is much less important than WHY you chose it and HOW you support it.

In your final write-up: Include an updated organization description as part 1 of the write-up. Organize part 2 as follows:

1. How Will You Avoid Discrimination/Harassment & Ensure Compliance with Federal Law and Executive Orders Across All Jobs?
• Diagnostics for Title 7 CRA, ADA, ADEA, Affirmative Action, etc. Compliance
• Any training to support compliance?
• Complaint and investigation system?

2. Key Job #1
A. How Will You Determine the Good and Poor Performers? (The challenge is to ensure valid and reliable measurement – avoiding both contamination and deficiency)
• Choose type(s) and format(s) of performance evaluation measure(s) for the job
• Explain who evaluates? How often? How, if at all, is the data compiled into an overall performance evaluation?
• Support the previous points, why choose these over other possibilities: (i) your chosen org. strategy, (ii) course recommendations, (iii) logical relation to your job description.

B. How Will You Manage Employee Performance and Discipline for the Job? (The challenge is to improve employee performance and develop a fair, effective system of discipline)
• Choose methods of diagnosing performance problems and discipline systems
• Choose methods to improve performance through motivation, ability, & environment interventions
• Support the previous points, why choose these over other possibilities: (i) your chosen org. strategy, (ii) course recommendations, (iii) logical relation to your job description.

C. How Will We Recruit for the Job? (The challenge is to produce the biggest and/or best and/or most diverse applicant pool for the job).
• Choose methods to recruit for the job and any internal (i.e., describe any promotion system for the job)
• Choose methods to evaluate recruiting success across
• Support the previous points, why choose these over other possibilities: (i) your chosen org. strategy, (ii) course recommendations, (iii) logical relation to your job description.

D. How Will You Hire the Best People for the 5 Jobs? (The challenge is to produce the most qualified, best performing and/or best fitting new hire for the job)?
• Choose selection procedures for the job and how these are combined into a final score/eval and hiring decision
• Choose methods to ensure valid selection procedures and avoid bias, errors, and adverse impact
• Support the previous points, why choose these over other possibilities: (i) your chosen org. strategy, (ii) course recommendations, (iii) logical relation to your job description.

E. How Will You Make Training Programs Valuable to the Organization? (The challenge is to produce the most needed knowledge, skills, and development opportunities for the person in the job)
• Choose methods of training and development needs analyses and evaluations
• Choose likely types of training (technical job, social, on-boarding) and methods
• Support the previous points, why choose these over other possibilities: (i) your chosen org. strategy, (ii) course recommendations, (iii) logical relation to your job description.

F. How Will I Compensate the Job? (The challenge is to have an affordable efficient compensation system for this and other jobs that balances appropriately among internal equity, external equity, and individual equity for the job holder)
• Choose pay strategy and level for the job based on job evaluation and/or market surveys
• Choose pay-for-performance methods and benefits offerings for the job
• Support the previous points, why choose these over other possibilities: (i) your chosen org. strategy, (ii) course recommendations, (iii) logical relation to your job description.

G. How Will We Manage Retention for this Job? (The challenge is to assess the potential costs and likelihood of turnover for the person in this job)
• Estimating the potential threat and impact of turnover
• Diagnostics and analysis of “whys” of turnover, interventions to keep good employees
• Support the previous points, why choose these over other possibilities: (i) your chosen org. strategy, (ii) course recommendations, (iii) logical relation to your job description.

5 page need to be single spaced. Please focus on Management part of chart as a reference. Context needs to reflect responsibilities of Distillery Supervisor. Need to incorporate name of Department Head (who oversees the Distillery Supervisor). Use attachment for reference of how paper should flow.