2- How Do Insecticides Work?

Module 3 Discussion 1: Ask Questions and Construct a Hypothesis: How Do Insecticides Work?
Note – You will be assigned a specific pesticide/herbicide for this discussion. 
Have you ever used a pesticide before? These can be used to kill insects or unwanted plants.  Many times these pesticides/herbicides are enzyme inhibitors that interfere with essential physiology of the insects or plants and many times humans, too.
You should spend approximately 3 hours on this assignment.
1. 1.Answer the following questions in a few paragraphs.
o – Start your discussion post by describing how enzymes work, both structurally and energetically. Also, explain the similarities and differences between competitive and allosteric inhibition.
o – Your next paragraph will focus on how your assigned pesticide works.   You should find one to two reliable sources to summarize that discuss how your pesticide works.  This is also known as its mechanism of action. Make sure to include what enzyme it targets and why it kills its target organism.
o – Create an experiment to determine what level of your pesticide is toxic to humans or animals in the short or long term. Describe your experiment including the independent, dependent and control variables.  Also, describe the planned method and hypothesis.  Please review at this site if you aren’t sure what those variables are.
o -All references must be cited using APA Style. Please refer to the  CCCOnline APA Citation Toolkit.   
o Initial discussion posts should have a minimum word length of 150 words. 
2. 1. Review resources on how to conduct library searches using the  CCCOnline Library.
3. 2. The CCCOnline Library provides access to  scholarly research databases. It is recommended that you start your research using CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Science Reference Center, and Academic Search Complete.
Letter of First Name Assigned Pesticide
A Glyphosate
B – F Atrazine
G – O Chlorpyrifos
T – Z Neoniccotinoids