2- Escalation in size and intensity end at Financial innovation

Task 1: Write about slide 9 to slide 11 (start at Escalation in size and intensity end at Financial innovation: derivatives)
Instructions: Write Comment: 3 important points you learned from the PPT(PLEASE tell me what slide you are talking about and highlight the part you are talking on the PPT) For example, In the previous class, The first point I learn is on slide ….the second point is on slide….. the final point is about slide…..

ONE question: anything you don’t understand about the slide, question that you ask the PROFESSOR. (FORMAT should be something like this: I have a question about slide x, you start talking about things or provide some explanation to introduce your question)

QUESTION EXAMPLE: I have a question about slide 8. Based on the information provided on the slides/the slide mentioned that….it is apparent that the impact of the mortgage loan markets was only a fraction of the accumulated financial problems, but this cause is cited as the primary cause. So my question is, Why were the mortgage credit markets the main reason and the finishing touch for the default?
The question can be oral English style.

For task 2 Is the same instructions as task 1, but it is about slide 9 to slide 17 (start at Global GDP, debt and equities, and derivatives in 2001 and 2007, trillion USD end at How did the U.S. banking system get into such a insubstantial situation?)
Comments: 3 points you learned
Question: 1 question

For the comment part if you find something has little information you can do a research. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS FORMAT:
You can mention like: on slide x it mentioned xxxx, I did a research about it and I found that xxxxx